Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Hagyományos atayal vega konyha: párolt köles és fűszeres bambusz (atayal nyelven)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Steamed Millet
Vegan cheese
Small tomato
Ailanthus prickly ash

Savory Bamboo
Bamboo shoots
Vegan ham
Mountain litsea
Red pepper
Soy sauce

Chayote Soup
Mountain litsea

Catjang Peas with Asparagus
Catjang peas
Vegan cream

Stir-fried Brazilian Fireweed with Peanuts
Brazilian fireweed
Olive oil

Directions (to make the millet (trakis)):
  1. Steam the millet (trakis) first
  2. After it is done. Take it out
  3. Put some vegan cheese in it
  4. Stir in the vegan cheese when it is still hot
  5. Chop the tomato (chop it smaller to make it as small as millet (trakis))
  6. Chop ailanthus prickly ash (tana)
  7. Stir it
  8. Ready to serve

Directions (to make Savory bamboo):
  1. Add the oil first
  2. Put the vegan ham
  3. Fry for a while then take the vegan ham out
  4. Put the pepper
  5. Put some soy sauce
  6. Put bamboo shoots
  7. Put the red pepper
  8. Put the mountain litsea
  9. Add more salt
  10. Ready to serve
Directions (to make chayote soup):
  1. Chop the chayote
  2. Add some water to cook with the chayote
  3. Add 2 tablespoons of salt
  4. Add the mountain litsea
  5. Ready to serve
Directions (to make catjang peas with asparagus):
  1. Mix cooked catjang peas with vegan cream
  2. Add asparagus
  3. Mix them well while it is hot
  4. Ready to serve
Directions (to make Stir-fried brazilian fireweed with peanuts):
  1. Boil some water
  2. Add some salt into the hot water
  3. Add the brazilian fireweed
  4. Put the cooked brazilian fireweed into the plate
  5. Add a little olive oil while it is still hot
  6. Add some peanuts and it is done

File NO: 1856
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