Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
“Egyél tisztán" a Vegán Világnapon: Sütőtök csokidarabkás muffin és banán-szeder turmix (angolul)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Vegan Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
Dry ingredients:
2½ cups all-purpose flour (organic unbleached)
1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1½ teaspoons baking soda
1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon salt
Wet ingredients:
15 ounce pumpkin purée
1½ cups soy milk (or almond milk, coconut milk)
⅔ cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
Chocolate chips
Brown Sugar Flax Seed
1 cup all-purpose flour
½ cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
½ cup vegan butter

Bananaberry Smoothie
2 bananas
2 cups fresh strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
2 tablespoons agave nectar
2 cups ice

Vegan Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Mix together the dry ingredients as follows: 2,5 cups of all purpose organic unbleaced flour, 1 cup of sugar, 2 teaspoon of baking powder, 1,5 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice, and 1 teaspoon of salt.
  3. Set aside the dry ingredients.
  4. Mix together the wet ingredients as follows: 15 ounce can of pureed pumpkin, 1,5 cups of non-dairy milk, ⅔ cup of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of vanilla.
  5. Mix the wet ingredients all very well.
  6. Make a well in the dry ingredients, and add in the wet ingredients and also add in some chocolate chips.
  7. Fold these into each other until it’s well combined.
  8. Put the dough into the muffin cups, and fill them up about ¾ of the way.
  9. Before baking the muffin, make a brown sugar flax seeds drizzle to go on top by mixing 1 cup of all-purpose flour, ½ cup of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1 tablespoon of ground flax seed.
  10. Once they all mixed together, add in the vegan butter for about ½ cup cold vegan butter that has been cut into small cubes.
  11. Mix them all until they really well incorporated.
  12. Crumble this mixture over the muffins.
  13. Bake the muffin at 350 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes.
Bananaberry Smoothie
  1. Put into the blender: 2 bananas, 2 cups of fresh strawberries, 1 cup of frozen blueberries, 2 tablespoon of agave nectar, 2 cups of ice.
  2. Blend them all until really well mixed.
  3. Pour them into two cups.
  4. For garnish, put a small slice of strawberries.
  5. Ready to be served.

File NO: 1873
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