Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
“Szerető otthon”: mongol étel bundás, fűszeres szójapogácsákból (mongol nyelven)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
400 grams tofu
230 grams cooked rice
4 nori sheets
125 grams onion
5 grams mushroom seasoning
2 grams black pepper
6 grams salt
150 grams porridge powder

100 grams sunflower oil
9 grams onion
40 grams flour
70 grams tomato or ketchup
800 grams water
Black pepper to taste
Mushroom seasoning to taste
Salt to taste
Sugar to taste

  1. Put the sliced tofu in the food processor.
  2. Add in the specially seasoned dehydrated soy protein.
  3. Add in the nori sheets and the onion.
  4. Mix it.
  5. Add in a little bit of black pepper and salt.
  6. Mix it again.
  7. Meanwhile, heat up the oil.
  8. Take the mixture out of the food processor and roll it into balls.
  9. Roll the balls in bread crumbs and flatten them by hand to form them into patties.
  10. Put the patties into the heated oil.
  11. Fry the patties until golden brown.
  12. To prepare the sauce, pour the sunflower oil into the frying pan and heat it up.
  13. Add in the onion and stir-fry it.
  14. Add in some ketchup, stir-fry a little bit and when the oil gets thick, add in some flour and stir-fry again.
  15. Add some water, and gently mix it.
  16. Let it boil for a while.
  17. Add in some seasoning such as salt, pepper.
  18. Let the sauce cook for about 10 minutes.
  19. Meanwhile, garnish the plate with some cucumber and tomatoes on the edge of the plate.
  20. Place the main portion of “Loving Home” in the center of the plate.
  21. Pour in sauce.
  22. Ready to be served.

File NO: 1866
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