Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Békés sütőtökleves és mennyei vegán sütik csokoládédarabkákkal      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Peaceful Pumpkin Soup
1 small pumpkin (about 6–8 cups diced pumpkin)
1 medium sweet potato (about 3 cups)
¾ cup red lentils
1 vegetable stock cube
Water to cover 1–2 inches
above the vegetables
1 small red chili pepper (optional)

Heavenly Chocolate Chip Cookies
4 tablespoons vegan margarine
½ cup castor sugar
1 cup wholemeal flour
4 heaped tablespoons
freshly ground almonds ½ cup
vegan chocolate chips

Peaceful Pumpkin Soup
  1. Peel the pumpkin, deseed it, and roughly chop it.
  2. Peel and chop the sweet potatoes roughly.
  3. Put the pumpkin and the potatoes in a pot, add in some filtered water about ¾ of the way up.
  4. Add in the chili and ¾ cup of thoroughly washed red lentils.
  5. Put in the vegetable stock cube.
  6. Give it a bit of a stir.
  7. Put the pot on the stove to cook.
  8. Put the heat on high until it comes to a boil, and turn it down low to a simmer.
  9. When the soup come to boil, remove it from the heat to gently stir it, so that the lentils don’t stick to the bottom and burn the pan.
  10. Put the pot back on the stove with low heat to a simmer.
  11. If it cooks, put them in a blender, and put it again on the stove on a very, very low heat to keep warm.
  12. Meanwhile, cup up some freshly cooked home baked bread.
  13. Lay the bread on a plate, and spread that with tahini.
  14. Place the soup on a dish, top it with some fresh parsley.
  15. Serve it with the tahini bread.
Heavenly Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie
  1. First, preheat the oven to 170 for the biscuits.
  2. Beat the castor sugar, but not too much.
  3. Combine the vegan margarine and the castor sugar.
  4. Sift in 1 cup of wholemeal plain flour.
  5. Mix everything.
  6. Add in 4 tablespoonfuls of freshly ground almonds.
  7. Add in the chocolate chips.
  8. Mix the dough again, very careful, not to over mix. Just to make sure everything is combined.
  9. Make a ball from the dough, whatever size doesn’t matter.
  10. Place them on the tray.
  11. Flatten them down.
  12. Put them in the oven for about 20 minutes.
  13. After 20 minutes, take the cookies out of the oven, and leave them on the tray to cool right down and crips them off.
  14. When they cool down, place them on a plate, and serve.

File NO: 1069
Keress Vegán Receptet
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