Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Chilei tengeri pozsgás saláta (spanyolul)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Cochayuyo seaweed
Cochayuyo seaweed stem (huilte)
Bell pepper
Sesame oil
Sea salt
Lemon juice
Clove of garlic

  1. Hydrate cochayuyo seaweed for 1 hour, washed it, and leave it in the water, then stretched it
  2. Bagged and chopped cochayuyo seaweed then put it in the bowl
  3. Chop the scallions, cilantro, lettuceand, and the peppers, chop it as thin as possible
  4. Add the juice of 3 lemons to saturate it well
  5. Mix all ingredients
  6. Add garlic
  7. Add a little sea salt
  8. Leave that for about 5 or 10 minutes to marinate
  9. Peel a potato that was has been cooked
  10. Split the potatoes down the middle and hollow it out a little
  11. Hollow out a tomato then put on the plate
  12. Garnish with the lettuce
  13. Add a little bit of the grapeseed oil, to make it milder
  14. Fill the tomatoes and the potato
  15. Spread a bit of sesame on the lettuce
  16. Ready to serve

File NO: 1821
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