Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Vegán fahéjas zsemlék, egy családi hagyomány (franciául)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
6 cups unbleached flour.
1 packet yeast
½ cup sugar
¼ cup vegetable oil
1½ cups warm water
1 teaspoon of salt
½ cup melted shortening
Brown sugar

Directions (to rise the yeast):
  1. Mix the packet of yeast with the water
  2. Add the teaspoon of sugar
  3. The yeast should rise for 10 minutes (do not to cover it)
Directions (to preparing):
  1. Take a bowl
  2. Add ½ cup of sugar
  3. Add ¼ cup of vegetable shortening
  4. Mix them using a fork until they are creamy
  5. Put it aside for now
  6. Using different bowl, mix 1½ cups warm water with the salt
  7. Put it aside for now
Directions (to make dough):
  1. Put on the gloves (it is not necessary)
  2. Take a large bowl
  3. Add 6 cups of unbleached flour
  4. Make a little well in the flour (push it to the side to make a hole)
  5. Mix all of the ingredients inside this well
  6. Pour half of the water which had salt added to it
  7. Add the sugar and shortening mixture
  8. Add the rised yeast (do not waste any yeast, so now rinse the cup that the yeast was in with the rest of the salty water)
  9. Mix it by hand
  10. Start by mixing the shortening in the liquid
  11. Gradually take some of the flour to blend it in (do not mix it together all at once)
  12. Turn it over, gently, and continue mixing by hand
  13. Continue like this until all the flour is blended
  14. You can see the dough is getting drier and drier
  15. It is important not to stop until all the flour has been mixed in
  16. Very important to knead well
  17. The dough must rise should double in size for about 2–3 hours
  18. To take a dish cloth and cover it to avoid heat loss (it’s important that there are no air currents)

Directions (to roll the dough):
  1. You will need a surface that is a good size
  2. Spread some flour so that the dough does not stick to the table
  3. Put some flour on the rolling pin
  4. Remove the dough from the bowl (the dough will go down a bit. But that’s fine, it’s normal)
  5. Put on the table
  6. If you see that it is still a bit sticky, you can just add a bit of flour
  7. Roll as far as the shape is concerned
  8. Start at the center and roll towards the sides and roll until a dough that is about ½ centimeter thick
  9. Use a brush to spread ½ cup of vegetable oil on the dough
  10. Cover the dough with brown sugar (the quantity varies according to taste)
  11. Sprinkle on the cinnamon
  12. Roll up the dough (to make a roll. You must start with a corner, start small. It is very important To close the end properly)
  1. Cut the roll into slices 1½ inches thick
  2. Put on the pan
  3. Once again to cover them with a dish cloth to avoid heat loss for about 2 hours
  4. After 2 hours later and the cinnamon buns are well risen
  5. Heated the oven to 100o f
  6. Put the pan in the oven for about 10–15 minutes
  7. After 15 minutes in the oven at 100of, the cinnamon buns have expanded a bit more
  8. Increased the oven to 350of
  9. Return the buns to the oven for about 20 minutes
  10. After finished they can be eaten as they are, or they can be served with a bit of

Blueberry jam, wild berry jelly, your choice, or again, a sweet sauce

File NO: 1126
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