Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Diogo Ramos szakács bemutatja a krémes vegán csokoládé trüffeleket kajszidarabkákkal (portugál nyelven)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Creamy Vegan Chocolate Truffles with Apricot Slivers
Muscovado sugar (or vegan brown sugar)
Apricot slivers
Cinnamon or powdered sugar
Tofu Veggie Moqueca (Traditional Brazilian Seafood Stew)
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
Cayenne chili pepper
Sunflower oil
4 tablespoon palm oil
150 grams tofu
200 ml coconut milk
5 cups tomato sauce

  1. Mash the tofu in a pot.
  2. Put the pot on a stove and let it boil.
  3. Add in the muscovado sugar, mix well. Keep stiring while the sugar and the tofu is boiling.
  4. The sugar will start to melt and the tofu will start to release water. Continuously stirring.
  5. When the tofu is losing water and become a little grainy, add in the cocoa. The cocoa will absorb in all the water.
  6. Pour the cocoa little by little.
  7. After adding the cocoa, the liquid is decreasing. Taste if it suits the taste, the bitterness of the cocoa or the sweetness of muscovado sugar. Always leave it a little more bitter because after blending it and it cools down in the fridge, the truffle becomes sweeter.
  8. When the mixture becoming thicker and hard to stir, then it is ready to mix it in the blender.
  9. It is important to blend it when it is hot. Blend it until it reaches the right consistency which is creamy and smooth.
  10. Pour it into a bowl and put it in the fridge so that it can harden up.
  11. Afterwards, get 2 spoons and shape the truffle.
  12. Take the apricot slivers and make a flower on top.
  13. Add a final touch with cinnamon or powdered sugar.

File NO: 910
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