Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
André Vieland, a Sao Paulo Loving Hut szakácsa bemutatja a brazil vegán moqueca-t (portugál nyelven)
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available) Steamed Millet Millet Vegan cheese Small tomato Olives Ailanthus prickly ash Salt Savory Bamboo Bamboo shoots Vegan ham Mountain litsea Red pepper Soy sauce Salt Chayote Soup Chayote Mountain litsea Salt Catjang Peas with Asparagus Catjang peas Asparagus Vegan cream Salt Stir-fried Brazilian Fireweed with Peanuts Brazilian fireweed Peanuts Olive oil Salt Try Vegan Brazilian Moqueca and other scrumptious vegan dishes at Loving Hut São Paulo in São Paulo, Brazil SaoPaulo.LovingHut.com.brVisit LovingHut.com for a Loving Hut listing near you - De-seed the bell pepper and then chop them. Put them in a bowl.
- Cut the tofu in relatively thin, flat slices. Put them in the bowl.
- Add in the sliced onion. Mix the ingredients.
- Chop the zucchini and put them in the bowl.
- Cut 2 ripe tomatoes, take out the core and slice it. Add in to the bowl.
- Finely slice the garlic and chopped it. Add in to the bowl.
- Finely chopped the ginger. Add in to the bowl.
- Take a bunch of cilantro and chop it finely entirely. Put half of it into the bowl, and the other half reserve it to be added in as soon as the dish is take out of the oven.
- Take the plantain and peel it, and cut it diagonally. And set it aside.
- Mix all the ingredients in the bowl.
- Add in coconut milk and lemon juice into the bowl.
- Add in the dehydrated chili to taste.
- Add in the palm oil and the olive oil into the bowl.
- Mix it again.
- Add in salt to taste, mix.
- This is called the moqueca. Put them in a glass container by distributing it as follows: make three layer like a pie. The first layer is from the mixture. The second layer is from the plantain, and the third layer is the remaining mixture.
- Bake them in a high temperature oven for about 25 to 30 minutes.
- Cover the top of the baking pan with aluminum foil.
- After 30 minutes, uncover the aluminum foil and put in the remaining cilantro.
- Gently mix it and put a little more palm oil.
- Serve the moqueca with brown rice.
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