Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Nem-főzés a San Jose, Costa Rica-i Mantras vega kávézó és teaház társaságában - 1/2 rész (spanyolul)    1. rész   
1. rész
2. rész
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Raw Fruity
Oat Nut Cookie
2 cups oats
1 cup cashew nuts
⅓ cup dates
¼ cup cranberries
Orange juice (or orange/lemon zest)
Agave nectar
Coconut oil
Nutmeg to taste
Ginger to taste
Cinnamon to taste
Pinch of salt

Raw Fruity Oat Nut Cookie

  1. Break the cashew nuts into little pieces.
  2. Put the oats and the cashew nuts into the processor.
  3. Turn it on, and let them mixed and become small crumbs.
  4. Add in the dates and the cranberries.
  5. Add in the ginger powder and the nutmeg powder.
  6. Add in a pinch of salt and the orange juice.
  7. Turn on the processor again while slowly adding the agave nectar.
  8. Slowly adding the coconut oil.
  9. Stop the processor and open it and check the texture and taste it.
  10. If the taste already ok, add in a bit of grated lemon or mandarin peel and the cinnamon powder.
  11. Turn on the processor again.
  12. Make sure everything mix well so that everything is uniform.
  13. Take out the dough, use a rolling pin to make it flat.
  14. Use a mould to form the dough.
  15. Place the dough on a plate and put it in a refrigerator for at least 10-15 minutes.
  16. Ready to be served.
Vegan Pad Thai

  1. Put the rice noodle in cold water and let it sit there for a 15-20 minutes.
  2. Prepare the sauce by cooking the coconut milk in low or medium heat.
  3. Add the peanut butter.
  4. Add in the red curry paste. The best is to start with less amount and then keep adding for spicier taste.
  5. Add in the soy sauce, the sugar and a bit of salt.
  6. Add some water so it will be thinner, mixed them well.
  7. Heat some oil in a big pan.
  8. Saute some onion, and when it is already a little cooked, start adding the vegetables.
  9. Start with the harder vegetables like carrot, broccoli.
  10. Add in all the other vegetables.
  11. Add some water so the vegetables get more cooked with the steam.
  12. Add in the portobello mushroom and some tofu.
  13. When the vegetables is semi cooked, add in the Pad Thai noodles.
  14. Add in some of the Pad Thai sauce that was made earlier.
  15. If it is too thick, add some water to give some movement to the pasta.
  16. Add in the Chinese mustard green leaves.
  17. Serve it on a plate with some ground peanuts on top and some lemon.
  18. Add some sprouted beans.
  19. Squeeze the juice out before serving.
  20. Ready to be served.

File NO: 1358,1359,
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