Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Gurmé vegán ricotta ravioli, bazsalikomos és fenyőmagos pestóval, Philip Gelb séf által      

Pine Nut Basil Pesto
2 cups basil
⅓ cup pine nuts
3 cloves garlic
¾ teaspoon salt
Fresh ground black pepper
½ cup olive oil

Ravioli Pasta Dough
1⅔ cups flour
½ cup chickpea flour
½ teaspoon salt
⅔ cup water

Tofu Cashew Ricotta
1 pound firm tofu
½ cup cashews
Fresh parsley, chopped
Fresh basil, chopped
1 tablespoon lemon juice
⅓ teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon salt
Fresh ground black pepper
2 tablespoon olive oil
Agave (to taste)

Contact Chef Philip Gelb
for vegan gourmet creations: or

Pine Nut Basil Pesto
  1. Put the pine nuts and all the ingredients into a food processor and blend them together.
Tofu Cashew Ricotta
  1. Put all the ingredients into the food processorr.
  2. Add a little bit of grated nutmeg into it.
  3. Blend all the ingredients together.
  4. The vegan ricotta cheese is ready.
Ravioli Pasta Dough
  1. Mix all the dry ingredients well.
  2. Add in the water slowly and keep kneading until the dough mix well and soft.
  3. Take some of the dough and by using Kitchen Aid mixer or any pasta machine or just a manual rolling pin, roll the dough into a very thin sheet.
  4. Roll out the pasta sheet.
  5. Use the ravioli mould. Add a little flour to the mould and shake it out. This will prevent it sticking to the dough.
  6. Press the mould lightly with fingers into the mould holes.
  7. Take about a teaspoon of the filling of the vegan ricotta cheese and place directly into the hole.
  8. Take a second sheet of pasta, make sure it’s the same widht as the other sheet previously, and then carefully lay this second sheet over the top.
  9. Remove any air pocket that are maybe in by using some rolling pin, start on one end and go smoothly straight across. This will also pressing the filling down into the mould a little bit more.
  10. With finger, take a little piece of water and run the water along the outside parts. This will help to seal the individual raviolis after cutting them.
  11. Remove any extra noodle on the sides.
  12. Gently turn it over and peel very slightly off of the mould.
  13. Boil the water, and when it boils add in a few only of the ravioli and let it cook.
  14. Once the ravioli rises to the top, that means it’s ready. Take it out immediately to avoid overcooked and breakdown.
  15. Put the cooked ravioli onto a dish and put a nice little dollop of the pesto right in the center.
  16. Ready to be served.

File NO: 991
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