Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Vega ételek kutyáknak és társaiknak James Lech kutya suttogó által      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Courgettes and Asparagus Warm Salad with Butter Beans
Butter beans
Frozen peas
Soy sauce
Olive oil
Pesto Sauce
Rocket leaves
Pine nuts
Olive oil
Serve on
sliced ciabatta bread
Napolitano Pasta
Diced tomatoes
Tomato paste
Seasoning herbs
Soy sauce
Olive oil
Garlic (optional)
Vegan Parmesan Nut
Cashew nuts
Olive oil
Soy sauce
Garlic (optional)
Serve with pasta & vegan
parmesan nut topping

  1. Steam the asparagus first and when the asparagus have become a bit soft then add in the frozen peas into the steamer.
  2. Fry up the courgettes in olive oil or any vegetable oil until they are nice and brown.
  3. Add in the butter beans into the courgettes. Add in some soy sauce and let them simmer.
  4. Add in the steamed asparagus and the steamed peas into the courgettes.
  5. Mix them and turn the heat off.
  6. Add on top the pesto sauce.
  7. Meanwhile, in a frying pan put some sliced Italian bread or ciabatta with a very light thin layer of olive oil.
  8. The courgettes can be put on the bread and served.
Pesto Sauce
  1. In a Vitamix of Blendtech or any kind of blender, add in a couple of teaspoon of olive oil, add in the pine nuts and rocket leaves.
  2. Add in a bit of lemon juice.
  3. Turn on the blender.
  4. The pesto sauce is done.
Napolitano Pasta Sauce
  1. Cook the pasta in boiled water for about 20 minutes.
  2. Heat some olive oil, and then add the mushrooms. Use medium heat for the mushrooms to slowly simmer as well as adding a bit of soy sauce. Cook it for about 2 minutes.
  3. Take a bowl of some diced tomatoes, add in a bit of seasoning herbs, a dash of pepper and salt.
  4. Add in some parsley and basil.
  5. Put them all in a blender.
  6. Add in some tomato paste for the strength and texture and taste.
  7. Add in some sugar.
  8. Turn the blender on.
  9. The Napolitano sauce is done.
  10. Add the Napolitano sauce to the mushroom, leave on pan for about 30 minutes to simmer and cook nicely.
  11. Add in some olives add the end of the cook so they don’t become overcooked.
  12. Preparing the dish, lay the pasta, the sauce, the garnish on top, and then take as much Parmesan nutting as you like.
  13. The Napolitano Pasta Sauce is ready.

Vegan Parmesan Nut Topping
  1. In a blender, add in some cashew nuts, some olive oil, soy sauce, salt, pepper, and blend it up until it gets nice.
  2. The vegan parmesan nut topping is done.

File NO: 1826
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