Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Brook Katz szakács bemutatja: Édes és savanyú szeitán - 1/2 rész      
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(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
2 pounds seitan, cubed
1½ cups pineapple juice
2 medium
green bell peppers
1 red bell pepper
1 large onion
½ cup natural sweetener
½ cup rice vinegar
¼ cup molasses or rice syrup
2 tablespoons canola oil
1 cup pineapple mango chunks
1 cup mung bean sprouts

5 cups vital gluten flour
3 tablespoons
garlic powder
3 tablespoons
onion powder
2 tablespoons dried sweet basil
5 cups filtered water
½ cup tamari
1 teaspoon liquid smoke
1 cup tamari
3 tablespoons rice syrup, sorghum, or molasses
Filtered water to fill
half of 12 quart pot

Directions (to make seitan):
  1. Take a couple of blocks of seitan
  2. Cut them into small strips
  3. Take a little bit of oil and just put some in the pan to heat up
  4. Add the seitan into the pan and let it brown
  5. Take the browned seitan and put it into the little dish
  6. Cut the onions into some strips
  7. Add a drop more oil into the pan
  8. Sauté the onions
  9. To put some color take red pepper, de-seed it, and cut that into big chunks
  10. Put it into the pan
  11. Grab a green pepper, de-seed it, and cut that into big chunks
  12. put it into the pan
  13. Cut the top off of the pineapple, turn it over, cut the bottom off
  14. Take a sharp knife and just go right down the sides
  15. Cut into nice chunks
  16. Throw into stir-fry
  17. Cut a mango into cubes
  18. Throw into stir-fry
  19. Add the seitan
  20. Take a few sprouts (mung bean sprouts, clover sprouts, chickpea sprouts, lentil sprouts)
  21. Put a drop of water in
  22. Put the top of the pan on and let that steam soft
  23. Give that about 2, 3 minutes, just to let it steam
  24. Put the sweet and sour sauce
  25. Mix well
  26. If you want to thicken the sauce a little faster and a little bit more and not have to sit there and wait until the sauce reduces down, you can take a bowl, take a little bit of cornstarch or arrowroot powder, add just the smallest amount of water to dissolve cornstarch
  27. Take that cornstarch and pour it right in
  28. Mix it all together
  29. Take some rice and put it into the plate
  30. Take our sweet and sour and just spoon this right onto our bed of rice
  31. Ready to serve
Directions (to make sweet and sour sauce):
  1. Add a little bit of rice syrup (to give it a little bit of extra thickness)
  2. Add a teaspoon of the tamari
  3. Add a tablespoon of the sugar
  4. Put about the same amount of rice vinegar as you did with the rice syrup
  5. Mix that all
  6. Add a little bit of pineapple juice
  7. Stir that up
  8. Ready to use

File NO: 1838,1840,
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