Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Masala Vada: Crispy Golden Lentil Dumplings      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
250 grams golden dhal (soaked until tender)
2–3 sprigs curry leaves
1 green chili
2 dried chilies
2 bird’s eye chilies
½ large onion
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon mushroom seasoning
2 teaspoons salt
Oil for frying

  1. Drain the dhal after soaking, and put them into a blender without any liquid. But not too dry, a bit of water to moisten.
  2. Blend the dhal for about 5 minutes.
  3. Stop for a bit to clean the sides, and blend again until it’s fine puree.
  4. To know whether the dhal has been blended enough, take some dhal and mould it into round shape. The shape should bind well and not break apart, otherwise, it has not been blended enough.
  5. Pour the blended dhal into big mixing bowl.
  6. Take the green chili, cut it into half, and discard the seeds.
  7. Slice the green chili lengthwise and then chop finely. Add them to the big bowl.
  8. Take the red chili, cut it finely, and mince for a while to make it nicer. Add them to the big bowl.
  9. If you prefer it spicy, add some bird’s eye chilies. Finely chopped, and add it to the big bowl.
  10. Chop the curry leave finely. Put it in the big bowl.
  11. Take the big onion, slice it thinly, then chopped finely. Put them in the big bowl.
  12. Heat up some oil.
  13. Meanwhile, add in the spices: the fennel seeds, the cumin seeds, and the mushroom seasoning and salt.
  14. Put on gloves on your hand, and use your hand to mix all the ingredients evenly.
  15. Take some of the dough. Use a ladle to help mould them into round shapes, and then press to flatten, and directly put it into the hot oil.
  16. Fry until both sides are golden brown, and then take them out.
  17. Put them on a strainer to remove excess oil.
  18. Wait a while until they are cooling down before eating.
  19. Ready to be served.

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