Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Energizing Argentinian Millet and Broccoli Tart (In Spanish)      

For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available
2 cups millet
4 cups water
Salt to taste
Oil (neutral flavor like sunflower oil)
2 stalks broccoli, steamed
300 grams soft tofu
2 tablespoons cassava starch
1 pinch red pepper
Olive oil
Cherry tomatoes (optional)

  • Add 2 cups of water for each cup of millet. That means for 2 cups of millet need 4 cups of water.
  • Mix the millet and the water.
  • Add in the garlic and the parsley flakes, a pinch of ginger powder, and a bit of sea salt.
  • Cook it with the pot covered on a very low heat for approximately 15 minutes or until the millet have absorbed all the water.
  • Coat the base of the tart pan with a bit of neutral oil so that the millet doesn’t stick to it.
  • Add in the millet slowly, spread it evenly.
  • Meanwhile, prepare the tofu cream: put the tofu cubes inside a container.
  • Add 2 spoons of cassava starch, chili powder to taste, sea salt, a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Add in water as needed, enough to get a creamy consistency.
  • Put everything in the food processor, and once the creamy consistency is achieved, add it to the broccoli.
  • Mix it nicely.
  • Add the tofu cream mixed with the broccoli until the entire tart pan is covered.
  • Squeeze it, press it and then put the tart inside the oven until it is baked.
  • Ready to be served.

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File NO: 1315
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