Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Refreshing Japanese Soba Noodle Salad (In Japanese)      
Soba Salad Recipe
1 bundle buckwheat noodles
1 small cucumber
5 leaves green perilla leaves
1 or 2 Japanese ginger
½ package radish sprouts
2 green bell peppers
¼ carrot
1 sheet fried tofu

2 tablespoons sesame oil
4 tablespoons soy sauce
4 tablespoons rice vinegar

  1. Sauté the fried tofu in the frying pan without adding any oil until the outside is nice and golden brown.
  2. Keep the flame strong until the tofu turns brownish.
  3. When the tofu starts to get smoky, turn the heat down. Let the tofu cool down.
  4. In the meantime, cut the vegetables: the cucumbers into long thin strips, the perilla leaves and the Japanese ginger into long thin strips, the green pepper and the carrot into small strips.
  5. Cut the fried tofu into thin small strips.
  6. Boil a lot of water to keep the noodles from sticking together, spread them evenly in the pot. Boil the buckwheat noodles in the pot for about 6 minutes.
  7. Stir them gently but not too much as the noodles can break easily.
  8. Put the noodle in the bamboo basket. Rinse well with cold water to take out the sliminess of the noodles.
  9. To prepare the dressing, mix well 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, 4 tablespoons of rice vinegar, and 2 tablespoons of sesame oil.
  10. Arrange the food, first, the buckwheat noodles, then put the vegetable toppings: cucumber, radish sprouts, green bell peppers, carrots, Japanese ginger, green perilla leaves.
  11. Add the thin slices of fried tofu.
  12. Sprinkle it with the dressing.
  13. Ready to be served.

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