Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Making Mid-Autumn Moon Cakes with Moon Goddess and Jade Rabbit (In Aulacese)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Pastry Shell
200 grams wheat flour
200 grams syrup
1 teaspoon malt
50 grams cooking oil
1 teaspoon annatto oil

Moon Cake Filling
100 grams roasted melon seeds
100 grams cashew nuts
100 grams roasted white sesame
100 grams cubed winter melon
50 grams cubed red candied lemon
50 grams cubed red ginger preserves
100 grams barbequed vegan protein
1 vegan Chinese sausage
150 grams cooking oil
seasoned with 5-spices
1 tablespoon malt
100 grams syrup
100 grams sugar
100 grams roasted mochi flour

Vegan eggs
100 grams cooked and mashed mung beans
Annatto oil
Seasoned to taste

Color Wash
5 tablespoons syrup
2 tablespoons cooking oil
1 tablespoon annatto oil

  1. Prepare the syrup 3 month before by putting ½ kilogram of yellow refined sugar into a saucepan containing 350 grams of filtered water. Stir well, put it on the stove and boil it for about 20 minutes on low heat.
  2. After 20 minutes, add in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, then boil for another 15 minutes.
  3. After 15 minutes, add 1 tablespoon of lye water. Lye water can be purchased at the grocery store.
  4. After it is done, measure it again and it should be around 600 grams of syrup.
  5. The ratio of 5 spices in cooking oil is 20 grams of the 5 spices soaked with 150 grams of cooking oil.
  6. To prepare the vegan egg, mashed the cooked mung beans and stir fried them with annatto oil, and then season the mixture to taste.
  7. For the color wash for the pastry shell is by mixing 5 spoonfuls of syrup with 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, and 1 tablespoon of annatto oil.
  8. To begin, put in 200 grams of syrup, 1 teaspoon of malt, 50 grams of cooking oil with 1 teaspoon of annatto oil. Mix well.
  9. Pour 200 grams of flour in. Knead it.
  10. After kneading the dough well, let it rest for about 30 minutes.
  11. Meanwhile, prepare the filling by putting all of the filling ingredients into a large bowl.
  12. Mix them well, and then add in the cooking oil.
  13. Mix well, and then add the syrup, the malt, and 100 grams of refined sugar.
  14. Add in the roasted mochi flour. Mix all well.
  15. Mix until it is consistent.
  16. Divide the filling into 7 parts. Roll it round, put a vegan egg into the center.
  17. Roll it into round shape. The moon cake filling is ready.
  18. Knead the dough again until it is smooth, but before kneading, sprinkle on some flour cover so that the dough won’t stick.
  19. The dough is ready, and roll it into a long round shape.
  20. Divide the dough into 7 smaller balls.
  21. Dust the dough again with a little bit of flour cover, and then place in the filling.
  22. Now the moon cakes are ready to be press by using wooden moulds with patterns.
  23. Put the moon cake into the mould and press firmly.
  24. Tap the mould with force to be able to get the moon cake out.
  25. Pre-heat the oven for about 10 minutes beforehand. Set the top temperature to 250°C, and the bottom temperature to 200°C.
  26. Bake the moon cake for about 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, take them out and mist them with water so that the color will be beautiful.
  27. After the moon cakes have cooled, brush a color wash on the pastry shell, and then put them back into the oven for about 7 minutes.
  28. The moon cakes that are fresh out of the oven will be quite hard, but after 3 days, it will soften and be very fragrant and delicious.

  29. The moon cakes are ready.

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