Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Creamy Vegan Cottage Pie (In Russian)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Pie Shell:
2 cups flour
1 cup vegan margarine
4 tablespoons cold water
¼ teaspoon salt

Pie Filling:
2 cups ground soy protein
1 cup frozen or fresh peas
1 onion (chopped)
3–4 cups creamed corn
4–5 potatoes (peeled and cooked)
4 tablespoons vegan margarine
¼ cup soy milk
¼ teaspoon of salt
¼ tablespoon black pepper

Directions (to make Pie Shell):
1. Add vegan margarine to the flour, cold water and salt, use hand to mix
2. When the dough has been thick enough, put in the fridge for several hours, or 20 minutes also okay if you do not have much time

Directions (to make A-Fillings):
1. Put potatoes into a pan, add soy milk, vegan margarine, salt, then mash the potatoes and mix them all
Directions (to make B-Fillings):
2. Fill a frying pan with oil and fry the onions
3. Add the soy protein, the peas, salt, black pepper, mix and cook well

Directions (to make the Creamy Vegan Cottage Pie):
1. Take the dough from the fridge, roll to the size of the glass pan and lay it evenly
2. Add the B-Fillings, spread evenly
3. Add the creamed corn, spread evenly
4. Add the A-Fillings, spread evenly
5. Bake into the oven at 350oF for 20-30 minutes
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File NO: 1082
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