Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Colorful Cuisines with Chef Cary Brown:Barbeque Vegan Ribs      
American Style Ribs
1 Chicken-Free Chicken
1 cup barbequed sauce
1 cup water
1 tablespoon canola-olive oil
3–6 garlic cloves to taste
1 teaspoon ginger
½ medium onion, cut into strips
¼ medium red pepper, cut into strips
¼ medium yellow peppers, cut into strips

  1. Take the vegan barbeque rib, and then cut in half or in third.
  2. And then cut it a comb out.
  3. Place it in the frying pan.
  4. Open it up a little bit about an inch.
  5. Add in the BBQ sauce.
  6. Add in the water and the olive oil.
  7. Add in the onion, the ginger, and the garlic and cook it.
  8. Add in a bit of yellow and red peppers.
  9. Cook it for about 20 minutes until the liquid becomes a thick paste.
  10. After 20 minutes, take it out and place it on a plate.
  11. Decorate the plate with a little bit of boiled potato.
  12. Serve it with some salad and some toasted vegan cheese sandwich.

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File NO: 945
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