Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Uniquely Cameroonian:Plantains with Vegan Mbongo'o (Dark Sauce Stew) (In Bassa)      
20 basil leaves
2 tomatoes
100 grams onion
5 grams garlic
30 grams Scotch bonnet pepper
15 grams mbongo
50 grams njansang
5 grams African nutmeg
10 grams of stock seasoning cube
30 grams hiomi
Vegetable protein
1 teaspoon salt
200 milliliters vegetable oil

  1. Put all the ingredients into a blender and add some water, and then blend them all to become a good mixture.
  2. Put the pot on the stove, add in the oil, and heat it.
  3. Add in the slice onions into the heated pot.
  4. Meanwhile, put the vegetable protein in a bowl and then pour in the blended mixture into to bowl. Add in the vegetable stock cube. Mix it well.
  5. Rinse the blender with some water so that all the mixture left is clean, and then our them into the heated pot.
  6. Add in the vegetable protein mixture. Stir it well so it won’t stick to the pot. Let it cook for about 25-30 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile, arrange the boiled plantains on a plate. Arrange the plantains nicely with some room in the middle.
  8. When the Mbongo’o is ready, add in the Mbongo’o in the the middle.
  9. Ready to be served.

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File NO: 917
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