Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Maláj specialitás: Csípős és savanyú vegán filé (maláj nyelven)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
500 grams vegan fillet
2 stalks torch ginger flower
50 grams Vietnamese coriander
2 teaspoons vegan prawn powder
2 teaspoons sea salt
1½ teaspoons mushroom seasoning
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoons tamarind paste
500 milliliters water
Oil for sautéing

Blended ingredients:
20 dried chilies
4 shallots
3 cloves garlic
1 inch section of turmeric
1 inch section of ginger
2 stalks lemongrass

Directions (to preparing):

  1. First, we must discard the hard part of the lemongrass. Then, cut into small pieces
  2. Cut the shallots into small pieces
  3. blend all ingredients (shallots, garlic, ginger, dried chili, Turmeric, lemongrass, and oil)
  4. Wet ingredients should be at the bottom so that it can blend smoothly
  5. cut the ginger flower ,Halve it Then, chopped finely (This is the main ingredient in our recipe)
Directions (to make ):
  1. heat the wok
  2. When it is hot enough, saute the blended ingredients
  3. If there’s not enough oil, you may add some in
  4. add a little water in the blender because there’s still a lot more left inside
  5. sauté until it’s fragrant
  6. add in the ginger flower
  7. Keep sautéing briefly
  8. add Laksa’s leaves
  9. Add tamarind paste
  10. add vegan prawn powder
  11. add all the seasonings
  12. add in water
  13. Wait until it’s boiling, then add in the vegan fillet
  14. Wait until the gravy is almost dried up, then we can dish out
  15. Let them boil on medium heat
  16. If you like it spicier, you can add more dried chili
  17. Wait until it is thickened
  18. turn off the heat
  19. ready to serve

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File NO: 1264
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