Enlightening Entertainment
Shining World Hero Award: The Moving Sacrifices of the Fearless      
Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend virtuous actions and Encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some Of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

When several armed intruders entered the home of 25-year-old Kesley Burgess’ parents, they pushed his step father to the floor and injured his mother. Kesley, who worked As a security guard, immediately moved his mom and long-time girlfriend into a bedroom, told them he loved them, then locked the door and went to face the intruders.

Sadly, he did not survive the severe injuries sustained in his family’s defense. Although his mother and the family dog suffered some wounds, they along with Kesley’s stepfather and girlfriend emerged from the ordeal relatively unharmed. The intruders have since been apprehended by police. Hundreds of friends and relatives came to the funeral to mourn the loss of the brave and selfless Kesley Burgess.

For his noble heart and self-sacrifice, Supreme Master Ching Hai posthumously honored Kesley Burgess with the Shining World Hero Award. Sending all her love and sorrow, she also offered US$2,000 to help the family with the memorial services.

In her letter about Kesley’s deed, Supreme Master Ching Hai said, “Dear Mrs. Burgess, It was with much sadness that I heard about the passing away of your beloved son, Kesley. In his honour, we would like to present to the Burgess family the “Shining World Hero Award.” This Award is presented in recognition of the exceptional courage Kesley displayed in sacrificing himself for his loved ones, his unheralded bravery in the face of danger, and his exemplary love that will forever shine brightly offering endless comfort and inspiration.

We join in the huge outpouring of sympathy and enormous admiration and respect for Kesley Burgess, a hero of unsurpassed valour whose love for his family led to one of the most courageous acts of sacrifice and chivalry imaginable. Confronted by four home invaders armed with machetes, knives and an axe, your brave-hearted son made a choice few would dare; after locking you and girlfriend Krystal in a bedroom, and with final words of love, Kesley turned to face the attackers.

Sadly, his epic spirit was no match for the armed intruders. He died the most honourable and noble death of a true hero. Such great courage is reminiscent of legends of old – a knight in shining armor and valiant protector – giving his own life in defense of those he loved and cherished most. Kesley’s rare nobility has moved us to tears and the memory of his acclaimed feat will live on in the hearts of the many who knew and loved him.

For us, it seems an injustice that an innocent man who strived for others should leave us so suddenly, yet Heaven knows, and his blessed reward awaits him. On behalf of our entire Association and all our members, please convey our heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy to all your family. May God bless and protect you, and provide you with the strength and loving comfort your family needs during your mourning for your beloved son Kesley. With Great Honour, Love and Blessings, Supreme Master Ching Hai”

Touched by the beautiful crystal plaque honoring her son, Kesley’s mother Tracey expressed her appreciation in tears. She also received the framed award letter, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s uplifting lecture DVDs and #1 international bestselling books.

Kesley’s mother later sent a letter to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai, which reads as follows:

“I cannot express what this award means to me. My gratitude to the Supreme Master Ching Hai for everything you have done for us. Kesley really was a rare and unique young man. He touched so many people's lives in his short life. He had a heart of gold and was always there to help people. My boys and I always had a close relationship and Kesley was like a knight in shining armour. He was always a hero to me and his two brothers. Our hero who gave his life for those he loved. He will never be forgotten. Thank you. Tracey, Jacob and Terrence”

Wishing Heaven’s comfort to the Burgess family and friends, and may his soul rest serenely in God’s forever loving care.

Now, let’s meet our next hero, a 42-year-old electrician named Eddy Devauchelle from Amiens, in Picardy, France.

So, it’s January 6, 7:45 pm, at this location precisely where I am now. A car was propelled by a drunk driver, who had two grams of alcohol in his blood. I was driving on this street by chance and then I saw this driver who had his front vehicle smashed, I stopped myself at his level. I asked if he needed a hand.

It was a drunk driver. Under the influence of alcohol, he gruffly told Mr. Devauchelle to go away.

So, I kept my car window open and I drove on a few hundred meters further. I saw glass on the road, on the pavement, a light, a bumper lying around. And that’s what got my attention. And I got out of the car and I saw a young lady coming towards me and saying, “Sir, come, there is a car in the water.”

So, I rushed to the side of a river, which is this river here. And well, I saw the husband who was petrified and everything. He begged me, “Sir, save my wife, save my wife.” I took my jacket off, I jumped into the water. I moved forward close to the vehicle. And so, I tried to open the door. I could not, so, we had to force, force. And by forcing, finally the car, the door opened.

Because well, it’s necessary to know that there is a thermal reaction with the heat and the cold. So the joints of the car were closed shut. And so, we succeeded somehow to open it, thank God. I tried to grab the mother, this woman who was eight months pregnant. And I could not get to her, so I put my head literally, directly under water.

There, I unhooked the seatbelt and I pulled the mother. And well, I pulled a body, in fact inert, which was not breathing anymore. It was but a weight, as a matter of fact. So, I pulled her, I took her out of the water. And there, I saw that the woman, she was spitting out water. And so, I continued to pat her back. She spat out more water. And then, there were people who were on the side who were watching them, I asked them to help me.

So, I encouraged the two people who were there, two adults, so that they could help me to take her out once I took this lady out of the water and to bring her up. And I went to my car to get a pillowcase and also two polar coats. And after that, I immediately went to place the pillowcase under the lady’s head. And the two polar jackets in order to uncover her, and to dress her back up with my two polar jackets. After that, firefighters came with the police.

While the saved mother and her husband were taken to a maternity hospital, Mr. Devauchelle was also rushed to a hospital with severe hypothermia. I asked a doctor if he could inquire about the parents, and especially about the mother and the baby, to find out if the baby was safe and sound, etc. The doctor came to see me half-hour later. He told me, “Mr. Devauchelle, he told me, it’s not one person but two people that you saved, because the baby is alive.” And then, I burst into tears like a kid.

The physical and emotional side effects of his ordeal lasted for another month and a half. But Mr. Eddy Devauchelle was only happy that the family was safe thanks to his courageous action.

For his selfless bravery, Mr. Devauchelle was awarded with a silver medal by the prefect of the region. His story was soon known throughout France and the world.

I should say that there is a God and that God wanted for me to be saved on that day, and well, me, on the day that the eight-months- pregnant woman’s car flipped and was completely submerged, God wanted me to be there.

I would say that it is a miracle because of the cold weather, it must have been about minus 5 or minus 6 degrees, the car’s heating system…

The cold and the heat created a thermal reaction so the husband did not manage…

(To open the door.)

…to open the door, so I succeeded somehow with the help of God, I tell you honestly.

For his noble and selfless deed, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored Mr. Eddy Debauchelle with the Shining World Hero Award. “…For your bravery and your gallant courageous act devoid of selfishness, ready to sacrifice your life, for your quick response in an emergency and being an example for all citizens, we applaud and celebrate here the noble deeds of Mr. Devauchelle. With great honor, love and blessings, Supreme Master Ching Hai”

I'm touched once again for these gifts that you have offered me, a big thank you to Supreme Master Ching Hai for these gifts. For an act of good citizenship, that I did, this rescue that I did, I just did my duty. I am moved by these, these gifts actually, I'm very moved. But I would like to sincerely thank Master Ching Hai, sincerely a big thank you.

Mr. Eddie Devauchelle, I give you the Shining World Hero Award given to you by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Thank you. I am very touched by this award, really.

Eddie, I am giving you a book that was written by Supreme Master Ching Hai about her life with animals, especially her dogs, that are always with her and who have contributed so much to her that she wanted to share it with all human beings.

Okay, how kind. This has really touched me a lot because, animals are the friends of humans. I have a cat and a dog so it is really fitting. Supreme Master loves animals as I can see from this book, I am very touched, very moved.

Well, Eddie, I am giving you another gift from Supreme Master Ching Hai, a Hero jacket that you can wear out and everyone will know who you are.

With the weather these days it will give me the opportunity to wear this jacket with pride.

Very good.

With great pride.

Congratulations and bravo, Mr. Eddy Devauchelle, and God bless your life-saving action. May the fortunate rescued woman and family be blessed as well and may all have a beautiful future, cherishing each precious day.

Thank you, caring viewers, for joining us on today’s program. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, right after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May Heaven bless you and your family with safety and love.

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