Enlightening Entertainment
Shining World Heroine Award: Virginia Rojo, Child of Faith from the Philippines (In Tagalog)      
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Tagalog and English, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog and Thai.

Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

Welcome, distinguished viewers of Supreme Master Television. Today our show features a young Shining World Heroine Award laureate, six-year-old Virginia Rojo from the Philippines. One day, when Virginia’s mother and sister were out delivering laundry as a means of earning a living, a fire of unknown origin engulfed their home.

Virginia and her four-month-old baby brother Joren were sleeping when she suddenly awoke to her house in flames. Without another thought, Virginia quickly picked up Joren in her arms and ran out of the house. She hugged him close so that his tiny body would not be hurt by the fire. As a result, Virginia herself sustained second degree burns to her face and hands. But both lives were spared just in time.

In Virginia’s own words of what had happened on that fateful day: “Papa Jesus told me to wake up and save my baby brother.” For her brave and selfless action, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored Virginia Rojo with the Shining World Heroine Award, along with a US$2,000 contribution to aid in her recovery from her wounds.

Supreme Master Television spoke with Virginia’s step brother Ronaldo who was building a new home for the family, this time with fire retardant material so as to better withstand a potential fire. Ronaldo, who had also been nursing Virginia after the incident, conveyed his gratefulness to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her care toward his sister and the family.

This is the new home of my sister. This is the house I’m building through the help of other organizations, and it’s currently in construction. I would like to thank all who helped Virginia. As her brother I am very proud for her heroism at the age of six. It is a good example also for the leaders of our world.

At a very young age, she has done a heroic act. So I would like to thank everyone who helped. Right now, this is the house that I am building that will be their home. This is the living room. Upstairs is their bedroom. This is their kitchen.

Now, I want to give thanks again in advance, for the amount you will give for Virginia’s future. This is the message that I wrote for her: “Welcome home, Miss Virginia Rojo. We love you so much.”

I made this message for my brave sister Virginia Rojo. Thanks for the heroism you displayed, not just for the whole family, but also for our little brother.

When our Association members went to visit Virginia where she was recuperating, the six-year-old gave them a warm welcome full of hugs and kisses. She was presented with some vegan food and toys as well as a photo of Supreme Master Ching Hai which she kissed tenderly. Virginia’s award ceremony was attended by several dignitaries of the region, who were among the many people who were touched by her heroism.

I’d like to share with you Virginia Rojo’s heroic deed. It was around eight o’clock in the evening of February 2010 when a fire struck the house of Lorna Pequeso. Lorna, the mother, was not in their house during the incident. She brought clean clothes together with her daughter. She washed for the day to her employer and also to fetch water. Who were left in the house were her two children, namely Virginia, the six-year old, and her younger brother Joren, four months old at that time.

The source of the fire was unknown because they have no electrical connection, nor even an improvised lamp, or kingki, as we call it in our own dialect. During the incident, Joren was sleeping in what we call aboy-aboy, or duyan in our dialect, and immediately after noticing the fire, Virginia picked up her brother and ran outside of the house. Virginia was then brought to Infirmary of Sipalay for the second degree burn of her forehead, face, and left arm.

She was then transferred to Teresita El Halondone Provincial Hospital – Silay City for further treatment and proper care. When I first met Virginia, she has all the tantrums due to the pain she was enduring from the burn. When I looked at her with fresh burn in her face, there were tears in my eyes for the ordeal she went through. The innocence and childishness that she shown touched my heart.

She was with her elder brother, Roland, who comforted her for the week when she was confined. How in her tender age could (she) have an instinct of saving her sibling during the fire? Maybe because of the danger that they are facing and because of her love for her brother, or is it because of the responsibility given to her by her mother? Whatever is the answer, only Virginia knows. What is important: She saved her brother and did a heroic act despite her being a child. Congratulations, Virginia!

Kind viewers, let’s take a moment to thank Heaven for all that we have been blessed with. We will be right back with our program on our Shining World Heroine Virginia Rojo from the Philippines. So please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to today’s program honoring a young Philippine girl named Virginia Rojo, who placed herself in danger to rescue her baby brother from a house swallowed in flames. Remarkably, she recalled that at the time, in her dream “Papa Jesus” had urged her to wake up and save her baby brother.

For her outstanding example of selflessness, and at such a tender age, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored Virginia with the Shining World Heroine Award as well as a monetary gift to help heal the brave girl’s burn wounds. The award ceremony was graciously attended by city and provincial government officials.

Good morning, everyone. On behalf of our honorable governor, Honorable Isidro Zaycho and the members of Sangguniang Panlalawigan (Philippine provincial legislature), and all the provincial officials, we welcome the representatives of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association for coming here today to award Virginia Rojo for her heroic act.

We are indeed privileged and happy to receive this award for Virginia. May the children of Negros emulate her deed as well as we would be helping her family. To all of you, good morning and God bless.

Virginia received a crystal award plaque as an award letter from Supreme Master Ching Hai was read for her in her native language.

“It is with great pleasure and gratitude that we present to you the Shining World Heroine Award. This Award is presented in recognition of your outstanding valor, quick and decisive thinking, and for your courage in the face of danger saving the precious life of your little brother, Joren. Your exemplary bravery is an inspiration for us young-at-heart adults bringing a sense of joy and awe into our lives, and thus making the world a whole lot nicer. We can only thank you Virginia, not just for saving your brother but for bringing the light of an angel into our world, brightening our lives with love.

May the Heavens sing in praise of your graciousness and vigilance. For your insight and composure, for reminding us of our child-like heart and caring spirit, for your fearlessness, compassion and bravery, and for being a gallant and noble role model, we hereby applaud and celebrate the heroic deeds of Virginia Rojo, Guardian Hero of Sipalay City. With Great Honour, Love, Blessings Supreme Master Ching Hai”

“The Shining World Heroine Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai For Virginia Rojo In recognition of outstanding bravery, pure-hearted determination and quick thinking Illuminating Earth with your shining example of selflessness and courage in action. With sincere gratitude for your inspirational devotion and faith, in the loving advice from “Papa Jesus.”

In addition to the award, Virginia was also gifted with a US$2,000 contribution from Supreme Master Ching Hai to help with her recovery from her injuries.

The Governor of Negros Occidental Province, the Honorable Isidro P. Zayco expressed a few words of appreciation.

At this age, you will be surprised, she’s very alert of saving her brothers and sisters. I would like to thank you for providing US$2,000 to this girl as your reward of being a hero to save her brothers and sisters.

Finally, Virginia was also happy to receive her Heroine T-shirt and an array of presents, including Supreme Master Ching Hai’s elevating lecture DVDs and comforting books. With appreciation to Governor Zayco and other government officials as well as to Virginia’s loving step brother Ronaldo, we thank young Virginia Rojo for being who you are – a shining spirit of purity and self-sacrificing love.

How admirable is your complete trust in Papa Jesus’s words, which guided you in your daring act of rescue. May your health be fully restored, Virginia, with wishes for your family’s happiness under God’s mercy and protection.

Kind viewers, thank you for your goodhearted company on this program. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News on Supreme Master Television. May Heaven’s peace and blessings pour into your life.

On September 22, when the full moon is said to be at its brightest all year, please join us as we celebrate the Moon Festival. In addition, find out some fascinating insights about the moon, as shared by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

And the moon keeps smiling at me, many hours long. Really the face of a smiling person, and my assistant said, “Oh my God. Look at that Master. Look at that.”

Watch “The Moon Festival and Its Spiritual Meaning,” Wednesday, September 22, on Supreme Master Television’s Enlightening Entertainment.

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