Enlightening Entertainment
Performances by Members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association      
Welcome to Enlightening Entertainment. On today’s show, Supreme Master Television brings you exclusive performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, featuring outstanding spiritual songs, cultural dances, and elegant recitals. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s teachings and love extend to people around the world beyond language, nationality, and religion.

In deep gratitude for her grace and presence, our Association members prepared the following performances as a loving dedication to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Please enjoy songs and performances by our international Association members in commemoration of Earth Day on April 22.

Our beautiful world contains rich resources but it’s facing a great crisis. Our animal friends are so kind and innocent. But they are sacrificed for humans. The gentle sunshine warms the land, the purling water washes away the worldly dust. This is a kind society, a loving world, People are blessed with love, peace and joy To preserve all this, everyone of us has to work together. Keeping a compassionate vegan diet is our duty.

Let us love our home, this beautiful Earthly home. Let us protect the animals, so they would never cry because of humans again. Let us love our home, this beautiful Earthly home. Let us embrace our only home. Let us love our home, this beautiful Earthly home. Let us protect the animals, so they would never cry because of humans again. Let us love our home, this beautiful Earthly home. Let us embrace our only home. Let us embrace our only home. Change your diet. Be veg, go green, save the planet.

Sending loving vegan thoughts to all beings on the planet, let’s return for more Earth-friendly performances here on Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Everybody let’s get together And sing this little Veggie Song
You don’t have to be very clever Be veg, go green, and come along

Singing Ba ba ba banana Pa pa pa papaya Cu cu cucumber Grapes on the vine

I’m eating Po po po potato Red and green tomato Bok-choy – oh boy! It tastes so fine

Grab yourself a sweet banana Some sprouts and peanut butter make a good blend
Get your kicks on celery sticks When it’s hot make watermelon your friend

Singing Ba ba ba banana Pa pa pa papaya Cu cu cucumber Grapes on the vine

I’m eating Po po po potato Red and green tomato Bok-choy – oh boy! It tastes so fine

I like my organic, non-alcoholic veggie wine With me it’s greens all the way
This little song’s all about the food that we choose We can save our world every day

When the food is green, you’re a cool machine Giving back to the Earth all that we eat
If the meal is organic no need to panic You just can’t beat that healthy little treat

Singing Ba ba ba banana Pa pa pa papaya Cu cu cucumber Grapes on the vine

I’m eating Po po po potato Red and green tomato Bok-choy – oh boy! It tastes so fine

Grow turnips in the yard, on the roof – Swiss chard In the city any little space will do
And when they ask you for meat, tell them, “Veggies can’t be beat!”
And cook them up a green zucchini stew

Singing Ba ba ba banana Pa pa pa papaya Cu cu cucumber Grapes on the vine

I’m eating Po po po potato Red and green tomato Bok-choy – oh boy! It tastes so fine

I like my organic, non-alcoholic veggie wine With me it’s greens all the way
This little song is about the food that we choose We can save our world every day

We’ll be feeling great when there’s veggies on the plate On this you can depend
‘Cause when the meal is green, we won’t be mean To the wild or farmyard animal friend

Singing Ba ba ba banana Pa pa pa papaya Cu cu cucumber Grapes on the vine

I’m eating Po po po potato Red and green tomato Bok-choy – oh boy! It tastes so fine

Eat them veggies for the Earth, for the mother of your birth
For the animals whose lives and pain we take It’s the fuel for your soul,
keeps you healthy and whole It’s really all we’ve got to do for Heaven’s sake

Singing Ba ba ba banana Pa pa pa papaya Cu cu cucumber Grapes on the vine

I’m eating Po po po potato Red and green tomato Bok-choy – oh boy! It tastes so fine

Bean sprouts, No doubts! Tastes so fine
Green peas, Yes please! Tastes so fine
Red beets, Them’s treats! Tastes so fine
Lime stew, Lime stew? Well that’s new.
But I’ll bet it tastes so very, very fine!

I just love my veggies!

I dream of Paradise Where can it be?
I dream of Paradise Is it in me?
I wish my Paradise Could come true
A Heav’n on Earth for me and you

Here is my Paradise, Here upon this Earth. Why couldn’t I see It’s here within me?

Here is my Paradise, An answer to my call Beauty such as this, for all.

If we could see our Paradise Deep within our soul, We’d open it at any price To share with all.
This beauty is too good to keep For our own It’s time for us to make Paradise our home.

See the beauty all around, Create it with your heart That’s the way to see The power that is ‘We’.
Make this Earth our heavenly home, Make this vision real –
That’s the way to Heav’n I feel…

We can save our world, we can save our home, We can live in Heaven on Earth – our Paradise,
We can save our world, we can save our home, We can live in Heaven on Earth, our Paradise.

I dream of Paradise, I know where it can be
I see my Paradise, It’s inside me – I hope you find the Paradise
That is inside you, Let’s join to make our Paradise come true…
We can save our world, we can save our home, We can live in Heaven on Earth – our Paradise,
We can save our world, we can save our home, We can live in Heaven on Earth, our Paradise.
Let’s join to make it come true!

Thank you eco-conscious viewers for joining us on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News. May every day be an Earth Day in respect and benevolence toward our life-giving planetary home.

Five-year-old Riley Hebbard from the USA proves that it’s never too young to lend a helping hand to someone in need.

We’ll be getting more toys for Darfur, and we’re trying to get enough toys so one child can have their own.

Join us as we honor this young recipient of the Shining World Compassion Award, Saturday, April 24, on Supreme Master Television.

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