Enlightening Entertainment
"The Weaver of Ñanduti": Introducing the Pageantry of Paraguay's Zarzuela (In Spanish)      
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Spanish, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Greetings, vibrant viewers, and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment. We invite you to join us today on a journey through the amazing pageantry on the theatrical stage of Paraguay’s zarzuela as we learn more about the country’s lovely cultural traditions.

Paraguay has a rich, musical history marked by distinctive genres such as Guarania, Paraguayan polka, popular songs, and zarzuela. The zarzuela is a lively musical genre that blends classical opera with drama, dialogue, folk songs and folk dances. With inspiration from Spain’s zarzuela, the renowned Paraguayan composer, Juan Carlos Moreno González, created the Paraguayan zarzuela by infusing it with the colorful traditions of his homeland. His landmark achievement in this art form was the magnificent musical entitled, “The Weaver of Ñanduti.”

It is the first Paraguayan zarzuela – and it was born from the idea of two great musicians, a musician and scholar of Paraguay, Juan Carlos Moreno Gonzalez and Frutos Panes. They had the idea to make the play. It's like an operetta, but a traditional one with all the customs from Paraguay.

It is a very beautiful piece, paramount in our Paraguayan zarzuela because it was the first Paraguayan zarzuela put on stage in Asunción. This piece was created during the 1830s, the time of the first constitutional president in Paraguay, Don Carlos Antonio López, and so it contrasts between the rural area of that time and the society of the city, that difference has always existed, and it emphasizes it… in the traditions of that time, in that place, Itaguá – one of the most beautiful cities we have in Paraguay with its wonderful craft, the ñanduti.

Ñanduti is the name of an embroidery native to the city of Itaguá, which is known for its beautiful lace. In “The Weaver of Ñandutí,” the splendid art and craft of Paraguay is celebrated in the charming story of the star-crossed paths of a simple weaver and an aristocrat.

The main character in this Paraguayan zarzuela is the role of “The Weaver of Ñanduti,” named Rosalia. Rosalia is a country girl, a very humble girl, who embroiders ñanduti and who falls in love with a city dweller, a person from high society. It’s a fairly simple plot, with beautiful Paraguayan songs, guarañas and polkas.

Gonzalo, let’s say he is the connection between what would be the aristocracy of that time and the peasantry; he is the son of a tycoon. He falls in love with Rosalia, a peasant girl in Itaguá. That triumph at the end of the story, actually also represents somewhat the union between the city and the countryside.

Oh my beautiful weaver

Oh my handsome gentleman

My heart adores you

If it is true what you say, I could believe you, if yesterday in front of me you said no.

Today I must not continue, nor tomorrow will be today, what once could be every immortal heart.

Oh my beautiful weaver Is your life a ñanduti that changes and gets colored like the iridescent hummingbird, that changes and gets colored like the iridescent hummingbird?

In a grand production with a cast of 150 stellar artists, Extencion Cultural UniNorte; once again brought to life the heart touching music and verses of composer Juan Carlos Moreno Gonzalez and librettist Frutos Panes in “The Weaver of Ñandutí.”

What part of the work impresses you most?

The musical achievement of Moreno Gonzalez in immersing with the Paraguayan spirit and to express through his music what we truly feel.

There is a philosophy of spiritual transcendence, for example, which is embedded in the Guarani language.

She sings a guaraña song which is called “My Destiny.” It is one of the most beautiful guarañas.

“My destiny is always to sing like birds in my Itaguá, my Itaguá. It's my destiny to fly forever, remaining not here nor there, not here nor there. The weaver of ñandutí will I ever be all my life, my life. Never ask for dreams of love if they do not love you, my sweetheart, my sweetheart.”

The zarzuela is enhanced by diverse and numerous supporting characters as well who also must seek their own happiness, truth and freedom — values that are cherished by all people. The beautiful melodies and lyrics of “The Weaver of Ñandutí” reveal the inner beauty and strength of Paraguayans, who are deeply proud of their cultural legacy.

Well, my character is Miguel. He would be the voice of the people, which is basically the neighborhood, the city, yes. He is the doctor, the lawyer, the handyman, a complete character. Miguelito’s main objective is to share the Guarani culture with the world because our country is a bilingual country, which means, that we speak two languages, and both are an inseparable part of our culture. So what Miguelito tries to emphasize is the importance of not forgetting our roots, not forgetting that we have a very rich culture.

Pilar was tied down by everything, all the materialism of society at that time in the capital, Asunción. So when she gets to the countryside, she found a world entirely free and that's what attracted Pilar, who finally ends up staying to live her life in the countryside, yes.

“I am loving the country life, listening to the birds sing early, marching to the stream, barefoot and happy, in search of water and a gentle young man.”

Each human must choose her destiny, the right way of life for her, because Pilar had an arranged marriage, arranged by the society, her family, boyfriend´s family and her own family, yes. So, then this is to see what is the right path for us, choosing, of course, the proper and correct way of doing things.

I am the weaver, the flower of Itaguá, who seeks and adores anxiety because of you; the suave man recounted a thousand kinds of love to me, but soon, very soon, the unfaithful one left me alone. Perhaps friends will be able to tell me, where, where is that man? They will tell him she’s here, they will tell him, the woman that he so soon forgot, is here.

They will tell him she’s here, They will tell him she is here, they will tell him of the flower he left behind.

As a musical, “The Weaver of Ñandutí” brings together all aspects of performing arts in a mesmerizing showcase of talent, drama, comedy, poetic verses, beautiful music, vivid dances, colorful costumes, as well as unique characteristics of Paraguayan traditions.

It is a very rich play; it is a work of traditionalism; it has different genres, it has our traditions, our dances; it has comedic parts, it has comedic scenes, dramatic scenes, romance, until in the end then, love wins, which is the best, isn't it?

I believe “The Weaver of Ñandutí” teaches a lot about the culture of our country, knowing that we have something linked with our ancestors, and I think we have to value, as a country, that we have a rich culture in music, in art, in our own language, in our own beauty, fauna and flora.

I think that supporting culture is very important because it is somehow part of our identity as a country, and to represent a large group of people is very satisfying, no matter at what level it is done. It is very rewarding.

Here you are, sir, this is the song of the ñandutí, with dreams of my love, for you I weave them. You answer no, you answer yes; do you want to buy this nice ñandutí? Here's the bright red of trembling passion, that makes us her captive and steals from us reason. Here you have the blue that renews our faith, in a distant youth, the love of a woman. Perhaps the first love, perhaps she never kissed him, and that remained in her life as a fresh spring. Here you have hope, don’t you like it, sir? Continuing with this fragile life, hope is honor, not what our ingenious heart dreams up, which teaches us that to dream is the best.

Here you are, sir, this song of the ñandutí, with dreams of my love, for you I weave them. You answer no, you answer yes; do you want to buy this nice ñandutí? Sir, do you want to buy this beautiful ñandutí? With dreams of my love...

We thank all the wonderfully talented cast and crew of “The Weaver of Ñandutí” for sharing the rich and vibrant heritage of Paraguay through this zarzuela. Blessed be your continued endeavors in beautifying the world through your artistic gifts.

For more information about Paraguay’s Extencion Cultural UniNorte, Universidad del Norte, please visit:

Thank you for your company today for Enlightening Entertainment. Coming next is Words of Wisdom, right after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May your life be filled with songs of happiness, peace and divine love.

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