Enlightening Entertainment
United Nations Universal Children's Day 2009   

Greetings global viewers! Welcome to today’s Enlightening Entertainment.  Children are a special gift from God. Their shining faces and pure hearts add one-of-a-kind joy and delight to our world. Supreme Master Ching Hai has often spoken about children in a spiritual light, as during a 1999 lecture given in Sweden.

LECTURE CAPTION Excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture “Return to the Innocence of Childhood” Stockholm, Sweden – May 31, 1999
Supreme Master Ching Hai: If you watch the child, in his eyes you see the spark of happiness and of heavenly purity. That is because he is still in contact with God. And as we grow older, if we happen to meet a saint, the one who is reconnected with God again, remembers God again, you will see the same spark in his eyes. Just like the Bible says, "Except you become a child again, you cannot enterthe Kingdom of God."

HOST: Indeed, children are our source of hope and happiness.
It is our duty to take care of them as they develop to become healthy, caring and noble citizens of the world.
To promote fraternity among children, to recognize their irreplaceable value and improve their welfare, the United Nations first established the Universal Children’s Day in 1954.

In 1959, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child outlining the basic rights of children. Then, in 1989, 140 countries signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Almost every member state of the United Nations has ratified the UNCRC, making it the most widely and rapidly supported United Nations treaty in history.

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