Stop Animal Cruelty: An End to Murdering Whales - P2/2
The images
in the following program
are highly sensitive
and may be
as disturbing to viewers
as they were to us.
However, we have to
show the truth about
cruelty to animals,
praying that
you will help to stop it.
These are animals
that have
extremely large brains
and extremely high levels
of intelligence, and
extremely high levels
of social interaction
amongst each other,
so they’re much closer
to humans than
most humans would realize.
Whales and dolphins –
there has been
lots of research done –
have been shown
to be very self-aware,
just as humans
are very self-aware,
just as great apes
are very self-aware.
This is
Stop Animal Cruelty
on Supreme Master
where we’ll present
our second and
concluding episode on
the murdering of whales.
Although commercial
whaling has been banned
worldwide since 1986
by the International
Whaling Committee,
a global body that
regulates whaling,
three member states,
Iceland, Norway, and
Japan exploit loopholes
in the ban and
continue the bloody hunt
year after year.
Over the centuries
the weapons used to
end the lives of the gentle
whales have evolved,
however today’s devices
are no less barbarous
or savage
than their predecessors.
Before they used
a cold harpoon; it was
shot into the whale.
The whale bleeds to death
and you drag them
onto the boat.
And then it took a very,
very long time,
hours for the whales
to die in some cases.
And then they invented
this grenade harpoon
where you do
the same thing,
but you have a grenade
attached to the harpoon.
And when the grenade
lodges a certain way into
the whale, half a meter
then it explodes.
One of the main
killing methods as far as
deep sea whaling goes
is through the use
of grenade-tip harpoons,
where the grenade
explodes upon impact.
Once the harpoon enters
the body of the whale,
the grenade explodes,
causing internal bleeding,
complete destruction
of tissue, convulsions
and shock.
And the theory
behind this is, is so that
the whale then dies from
the explosion because
they’re sort of
shocked into that.
So it’s supposed to be
quick and it’s argued that
it’s not painful.
But I think we can quite
logically assume that
it’s quite painful to have
a grenade exploding
into you and a harpoon
lodged into you, and
if that pain lasts
for seconds or
if it lasts for minutes
or even an hour,
it’s still the same pain.
And obviously it’s worse
the longer it lasts.
But I don’t think
we should try to fool
ourselves, thinking that
it’s not painful to
have this thing
shot into your body.
Now 20% of the whales
in Norway do live
quite a long time with
this exploded grenade
into them before
they eventually die.
That’s the government’s
We have been trying to
get recent government
figures for killing times
for quite some time,
but they are not official.
So the last figures from
the government suggested
20% of the whales
actually living
several minutes, and
it could even be up to
an hour in certain cases,
but on average around
five, 10 minutes with
this weapon inside them.
And then obviously
they’re struggling, and
sometimes they have to be
also shot with a rifle
in the head
in order to be killed.
So it’s not
a painless procedure.
And the whole notion of
shooting a moving animal
in the water
from a moving platform,
the boat, obviously
there is quite a high risk
for not aiming properly
and not shooting
the animal in the place
where they die fastest.
So these are the figures
we have from
the government and
they are bad enough.
In the Japanese case,
they slaughter the whale
on board the factory ship.
The smaller vessels used
by the Norwegian
and Icelandic whalers
often take the whale
onto shore and conduct
what's called “flensing,”
literally stripping
the flesh from the bones
of the animal
at whaling stations
on shore.
It's a very grisly and
stomach-turning business
that is difficult to watch.
When a member is killed,
what is the psychological
effect on the other whales
in the pod?
Obviously they do have
social relations with
one another and they may
have social relations that
we do not know
so much about.
But we know that
they travel alone or with
their calf in this period
where they are hunted.
But then in other areas,
they go together again.
What we do know is that
some of the hunted
whales have their calves
with them and if a calf
is shot (and taken) from
a mother or a mother
is shot (and taken) from
a calf, then obviously
that is both a great
psychological stress
and also for the calf,
if it loses its mother
the possibilities of
survival are much less.
So that we know.
We don’t know
in how many cases
that happens because
that is also included
in the statistics that the
(Norwegian) government
does not want to give.
So we don’t know
if it’s a rare problem
or a problem that occurs
quite often.
But we know that
the risk is there.
Whaling destroys
biodiversity and pushes
marine ecosystems
seriously out of balance.
The present numbers of
some whale species,
such as the Western
Pacific Grey, Bowhead,
and Narwhal who
each have less than
120 individuals left
in the world,
clearly demonstrates that
whaling over the centuries
has nearly
driven them to extinction.
In 2008, globally
more than 2,400 whales
were slaughtered.
Michael Alvarez-Toye,
for the Canada-based
Calgary Animal Rights
Coalition explains
the grave consequences
of this loss.
Over 2,400 whales
were killed, 1,300 of them
through the hands
of the Japanese, another
1,052 with Norway,
Iceland 79.
These are big numbers.
Six-hundred and
seventy-nine whales
were killed by
the Japanese in what
was supposed to be
a sanctuary,
a protected area
for these whales.
That’s in the Antarctic.
What is especially
unsettling is that out of
these 679 whales killed,
192 of them were
pregnant females which
are roughly 63% of all
the female whales killed.
In actual fact,
the number of whales
killed was 679 plus 192.
What does this mean?
That means that
the whale hunt is
taking place during
a very critical period
in the whale’s life.
the gestation period.
It means that
double the numbers
as far as females go
are being killed because
for every pregnant
animal killed,
that’s two dead.
When you consider that
whales give birth
every two to three years,
the impact of yearly,
annually having
a large number of
pregnant animals
the impact
on the environment,
on the ecosystem,
on the whale population
is, quite dire.
Because what happens
of course given
the slow population
increase, removing
certain number of
females from being able
to populate means that
you are in fact increasing
the depletion of these
And that is something
that is really completely
Norway has quite
a history in whaling and
not a proud one because
Norwegian whaling
has actually been
in the forefront of
bringing quite a few
whale species to
the verge of extinction.
So our history is not
very proud when it
comes to the effect
on the ecosystem.
Worldwide there is
very minimal demand for
whale meat and products,
yet whaling continues.
For example, Norway
still invests heavily in the
marketing of whale meat,
but according to
a Norwegian fishing
industry magazine
the 2010 whale hunt
“wound up with fewer
buyers, fewer vessels and
fewer distributors who
are willing to invest
in such a narrow sector
as whale meat.”
Ultimately, if we truly
wish to end all cruelty
to animals, including
the killing of whales,
there’s only one solution.
We should care about
all life, all animals.
And if we do some harm
to them by pollution,
we should also try to
do good again
by saving them.
So that’s why we’re here.
And of course
being aware of our duty
to other animals, other
species is the main core,
I think, of veganism.
So it’s about caring for
other beings and doing
what’s best for them
and for us.
It’s, of course,
very important to be
vegan for many reasons.
For me personally,
the first reason was that
other beings also
want to live.
And I know that
many people in Norway
are growingly concerned
about climate change and
environmental harm.
And that’s also
a very important reason
for many people to be
vegetarian or vegan.
I think the Norwegian
government should be
more aware of this.
And we have been
exploiting animals for
many years and it hasn’t
been doing us any good.
Supreme Master Ching Hai
often speaks
about the urgent need
to understand, protect
and preserve our
animal co-inhabitants
in order to save our planet,
as in an interview
published in
the December 16, 2009
edition of
The Irish Dog Journal.
And if we want to know
what we are killing,
scientists discover more
every day about the
intelligence and sensitivity
of the animal kingdom.
Whales, for example, are
able to identify different
fellow cetaceans’ calls
through the ocean waters;
similar to how
we humans can identify
our friend’s voice
across a crowded room.
they are very polite.
They wait for their turn
to speak. Believe this?
Yet these same lovely
sentient beings are hunted
down with explosive
harpoons that cause
a slow, slow, slow and
tortuously painful death.
I don’t know
how we do this, Louise,
but this is really
not for our human dignity
to continue.
some experienced animal
telepathic communicators
have given us messages
from the animals.
You see, the seals and
the whales emanate an
incredible, great power
of divine love,
an unconditional love
that could be likened to
that between a mother
and her child.
They anchor and distribute
this wave of love
across our planet.
Because of humankind’s
lack of love and kindness,
animals like seals and
whales have been born
to help fill in
this missing void.
And it is this love that is
sustaining our planet
and keeping it from
destruction up to now.
So, we should never, ever
hunt and kill these noble,
gracious helpers of
humankind and the planet.
May Heaven bless
Greenpeace USA,
NOAH, the International
Fund for Animal Welfare,
the Calgary Animal
Rights Coalition and
all the other individuals
and groups who
strive every day to halt
the murder of whales.
May we soon live in
a kind, harmonious world
where all our precious
animal co-inhabitants
are eternally embraced
with love.
For more information
about anti-whaling
efforts, please visit
the following websites:
Greenpeace USA
International Fund
for Animals
NOAH - for animal rights
Thank you for
your presence today
on Stop Animal Cruelty.
Up next
on Supreme Master
Television is
after Noteworthy News.
May all of Earth’s
magnificent whales
live long, peaceful
and happy lives.
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