The Shining World Hero Award:Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Everywhere in the world,
we can observe
and be touched
by acts of kindness.
People from all walks of
life, faiths, and cultures
extend themselves
beyond the call of duty
to help others
Through their noble deeds,
humanity as a whole
is elevated.
To commend
virtuous actions and
encourage more people
to be inspired
by their examples,
Supreme Master
Ching Hai
has lovingly created
a series of awards,
including the Shining
World Leadership
Award, Shining World
Compassion Award,
Shining World Hero and
Heroine Awards, Shining
World Honesty Award,
Shining World Protection
Award, Shining World
Intelligence Award,
and Shining World
Inventor Award,
to recognize some
of the most exemplary,
generous, caring,
and courageous people
who walk amongst us.
We’ve been able
to shut down illegal
whaling operations
all around the world,
and intervene against
the Canadian seal hunt.
We confiscate hundreds
and hundreds of miles
of illegal long lines
and drift nets.
We’re investigating
illegal smuggling of
shark fins, and basically
we’re acting like
a policing force in a way,
upholding international
conservation law
in accordance with
the United Nations
World Charter for Nature.
ocean-loving viewers,
to today’s edition
of the Shining World
Award series,
where we’ll celebrate
the remarkable work
of Captain Paul Watson,
the vegan founder
and president
of the non-profit,
environmental group
the Sea Shepherd
Conservation Society
and a co-founder of
the Greenpeace Foundation.
At the age of ten
Captain Watson was
saving the lives
of trapped animals,
and since that time
he has continued his role
as their protector.
In 1977
he created the Society
to defend whales, seals,
sharks and other marine
species around the globe.
For more than 30 years
the Sea Shepherd
Conservation Society
has made
significant contributions
to conserving
marine ecosystems.
This really is
the “Planet Ocean,”
not the Planet Earth.
And the fact is that fish
and other living things
in the ocean are
more important, being
a part of that diversity,
than they are being on
our dinner plate, and
that if we destroy the fishes,
we destroy the sea.
And if we destroy the sea,
we destroy
the life support system
for ourselves.
And if the oceans die,
we die.
Eighty percent
of the oxygen supply
of the planet
comes from the oceans.
Plankton populations
are being diminished.
There’s a very delicate
balance between
sea mammals/birds.
And that’s been
severely disrupted.
And if it’s
too severely disrupted,
it could crash, and
if it crashes then we have
an ecological collapse,
an oceanic ecological
collapse, which will
affect life on land.
And so it could have
devastating consequences.
According to a study
by an international team
of ecologists and
economists published in
the November 2009 issue
of Science,
if the current global trends
in fishing continue,
our Earth will experience
a 90% collapse
in those fish stocks
currently being exploited
within the next 40 years.
As lead author Boris Worm
of Dalhousie University,
Canada states,
“The data show us
it's not too late.
We can turn this around.
But less than one percent
of the global ocean
is effectively protected
right now.”
By preserving sea animals
like whales and seals,
the Society’s vessels are
benefiting both humanity
and the animal kingdom.
The group also safeguards
the world’s oceans
by serving compassionate
vegan meals on all its ships.
Yes, the ship is vegan,
only vegan food is served
on board, and campaigns
the same at sea,
so everything on the boat,
all the food that is served
is vegan, yes.
And we have
wonderful cooks.
So we have
no dairy products,
no animal products at all.
And it works quite well;
you don’t have to be
a vegan to join the ship,
but you are a vegan while
you’re on the ship, and
we try to set an example.
People get to
experience it and
if you can run a ship
on a vegan diet,
then you can certainly
do it at home.
I think that there’s
a very direct relationship
to what we eat and
the health of the planet.
Forty percent of the fish
that is taken from
the ocean is fed to pigs
and chickens and that.
This is just a world
out of balance really,
and it just can’t continue.
A vegan and
a vegetarian diet
leave a much shallower
ecological footprint
than a meat-eating diet.
And it takes like
8,000 gallons of water
to produce
one pound of beef.
And so, if we’re
concerned about
water preservation,
then we certainly
should look at that.
About animal husbandry,
the production of meat
actually creates
more greenhouse gases
than the entire
automobile industry.
Eating meat is sort of like
being addicted to drugs.
But if you give it up,
you’ll find out
you don’t miss it.
Captain Watson has
the highest regard
for all life and that
is why he is respected
as a true champion
of the animals.
All animals are intelligent,
but intelligence is relative.
We equate intelligence
with the ability
to make tools
and build things
and ride around
in automobiles and cars.
That’s our understanding
of intelligence.
I measure intelligence
by the ability
to live in harmony
with the natural world.
All these creatures
who live in harmony with
the ecology of their planet
are far more intelligent
than we are.
Intelligence doesn’t
necessarily mean
technological intelligence;
there’s also an
ecological intelligence.
When we return,
we’ll feature
the presentation
of the Shining World
Hero Award
to Captain Paul Watson.
Please stay tuned
to Supreme Master
Welcome back
to this edition of
the Shining World Award
series, highlighting
the courageous heart
of Captain Paul Watson
of Canada, the vegan
founder and president
of the Sea Shepherd
Conservation Society.
The numerous initiatives
of the Society
to guard sea life
have brought
significant results.
In its ongoing
anti-whaling campaign,
the valiant group
has halted the activities
of numerous
illegal whaling vessels
and saved the lives
of thousands of whales
in the process.
The Sea Shepherd
Conservation Society
is an idea that started
when we began to realize
that what really
changes the world
is the passion
from individuals,
that we can’t depend
upon governments
and corporations
to solve these problems.
And only through
direct intervention
by people who really care
can we solve
these problems,
and so my crew comes
from all over the world,
volunteers from all different
ethnic backgrounds,
with this idea that we can
achieve the impossible.
Because sometimes
the only answer is
the impossible one,
and we have to make that
impossible answer work,
and how we do that
is really by unleashing
our imagination,
and daring to go forward
and implement ideas
in order to
fulfill our objectives,
and our objective is to
try and save our oceans.
Right now what’s
happening in our oceans
is catastrophic,
we’re losing species
at an incredible rate.
We’re in the midst of
a major extinction event,
and quite simply,
if the oceans die,
then we all die.
So this is really a question
of self preservation,
and that’s a message
we’re trying
to get across to people.
The noble Bluefin Tuna,
with the ability to swim
at speeds of up to
90 kilometers per hour,
is on the verge
of disappearing
due to overfishing.
There has been an 80%
drop in their population
since the 1970’s.
Yet, fishing continues.
So, we would like to know
what your purpose is
in coming here
to the Mediterranean
this year.
The Bluefin Tuna should
be on the endangered
species list.
There’s a legal quota,
which has been set by
France, Italy and Spain.
But three-fourths
of the Tuna taken
is taken illegally
and so our vessel,
the “Steve Irwin” is
in the Mediterranean
and we’re targeting
those illegal operations.
So we’re
looking for poachers,
and when we find them,
we’ll disrupt
their activities.
on this last campaign
for the Mediterranean
anti-Bluefin Tuna fishing,
and they worked very hard
and freed
800 Bluefin Tuna,
which were trapped
in the big nets,
and they released them.
For his wise leadership
and brave actions,
Supreme Master Ching Hai
recently honored
Captain Paul Watson
with the Shining World
Hero Award, along with
a letter of appreciation,
from which the following
is an excerpt:
the Sea Shepherd
and patrolling the oceans
with your vegan crew,
you protect and care for
the magnificent mammals,
our earthly co-inhabitants.
Also through
environmental efforts
you raise ever-increasing
of the life-saving,
sustainable vegan diet,
helping to save our planet
from the effects
of climate change.
Captain, you are
a modern day hero,
saving hundreds of
whales and seals each year
by defending them
and uniting the world
behind you,
through your dedication
and commitment.
For your fearless sacrifice,
for your strength of mind
and fortitude
in the face of danger,
for your spirit, concern
and tenacity and your
passionate commitment
for all life, we hereby
applaud and celebrate
the extraordinary
and courageous deeds
of an ecologist and
environmental champion,
Captain Paul Watson.
With Great Honor
and Love and Blessings,
The Supreme Master
Ching Hai
Thank you.
Along with some of
Master’s DVDs and CDs,
Captain Watson received
a beautiful crystal
Award plaque which reads:
In Recognition
Of Your Fearless Spirit
Of Determination
And Boundless Courage
Bravely Patrolling
The Oceans,
Protecting And Defending
Our Gracious And Gentle
Marine Co-Inhabitants
With Compliments
And Gratitude
For Your Passionate
And Advocacy
Thank you.
I’m finding
that the individuals
who I have as volunteers,
I couldn’t pay people
to do what they do,
to display the courage
that they do.
So really I’d like to
really accept this award
on behalf of
all the volunteers
from all over the world
who join Sea Shepherd
voyages and intervene
to protect whales
and sharks and seals
and fish and sea birds,
and without them,
we wouldn’t be able to do
anything at all.
Captain Paul Watson,
we laud you for standing up
for our animal friends
and also promoting
the vegan diet.
We also thank
all Sea Shepherd
Conservation Society
volunteers for their love
and dedication
to making the world
a more harmonious place
through their
animal protection work
and informing the public
of the critical state
of our oceans.
May Heaven bless all of
the Society’s members as
they continue to conserve
global biodiversity.
Be Veg,
Go Green
2 Save the Planet.
For more details
on Sea Shepherd
Conservation Society,
please visit
Thank you for joining us
today on our program.
Up next is
Enlightening Entertainment,
after Noteworthy News.
May our love
for all beings forever be
as vast as the oceans.
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