Amazing Whale Photography with Bryant Austin - P2/2
Honored viewers,
welcome to today’s
Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants
the second program
in a two-part series
on photographer
Bryant Austin
of the United States, who
has produced the world’s
first life-size photographs
of whales.
From World Ocean Day,
June 8
to September 8, 2010,
his collection
of whale photos
is on exhibit
in Lofoten, Norway.
Mr. Austin hopes
that his close-up images
will help change
people’s perceptions
about these ocean giants,
in whaling nations
and eventually
lead to a total ban
on whaling activities
around the world.
Director Kate Miller has
produced a documentary
entitled “A Short Film:
In the Eye of the Whale”
about Bryant Austin’s
laudable project.
Having spent
countless hours
in the water
with these tender beings,
Mr. Austin now describes
the amazing songs
he has heard sung by
the Humpback Whales
in the context of courtship.
Have you had experiences
observing the courtship?
I have with
the Humpback Whales.
And what’s interesting
about Humpbacks is
the males compose songs,
and each population
had their own song and
it’s different every year.
And it evolves
during the mating season.
And it can be heard
up to 15 miles away.
And we really don’t
understand what it’s for,
and reasons for it.
But I was with a female
Humpback Whale
and a male escort
and the male escort was
right next to her like this.
And instead of booming
the song really loud,
which is what they do, and
it fills your whole body,
your body vibrates
when you’re above them
while they’re singing,
it’s incredible, he was
whispering the song to her
in a very soft (way).
And that song I believe
lasted 20 minutes,
and is composed with
all the same qualities
of human
musical compositions.
They rhyme, they do;
it’s just amazing.
But he was
whispering to her.
And I had
never seen that before.
I was with a biologist
at the time who studies
whales’ social biology,
Libby Eyre,
who’s based in Australia,
and she was in tears.
It was just such
a remarkable experience
to have the privilege
to see that.
And do you listen to
recordings of whales,
the different songs?
I do and the songs
are different every year.
And I’ve spent
four seasons
in the South Pacific,
in the Kingdom of Tonga
and when I hear a song
from that time,
I know what year it was.
And I have an
emotional response to it.
I knew if that was
a rough year for me,
or if we had
a really good time
that year, it brings back
fond memories.
And what is it like to see
the interactions of whales
among one another
within their own family?
What does that feel like?
It’s remarkable.
They’re very social,
and they’re very tactile.
Like with
the Humpback Whales,
I’ve seen them resting
together, and one whale
will put his pectoral fin,
which is like our arm,
he’ll put it
over another whale and
they’ll just rest like this.
Or sometimes their
pectoral fins will cross
and they’ll just touch and
rest on each other like this.
I’ve seen a mother
Humpback Whale
with her calf,
her calf would lie
on the sandy bottom,
and the mother
would come down
and lie on top of the calf,
as if she was helping him
practice holding his breath
and they would just
stay there together.
So they’re very social,
I see us in them so often.
Let’s now learn how
Bryant Austin produces
his images of whales.
To make life-size
photographs of a whale,
I’ve found over the years
I have to be six feet away
and it has to be
on their terms.
So I spend
up to three months
with a specific population
and I wait for them
to come to me and
I’m very slow and passive.
Everything about
what I do in the water
is consistent and
predictable for them and
that applies to my vessel.
So we encourage them,
we find ways
to encourage them to
come up to me very closely
and when they do,
that’s when I begin
taking the photographs
of their eye, and then
I begin photographing
their body in sections,
up to 15 photographs.
And so there’s
a lot of trust, because
at six feet, and with
the camera to my face,
I can’t really see what’s
going on around me.
And their pectoral fins
that are on the sides,
like our arms, they’ll
pass underneath my body
as I’m making
these photographs,
we’re so close.
So, there’s a lot of trust,
mutual trust.
Mr. Austin’s
field assistant Diana Hay
has a story
about an amazing photo
of a group of whales
taken by Bryant.
Here’s Ms. Hay to tell us
how the situation unfolded.
When that encounter
was about to happen,
I could hear my heartbeat.
And then to look at
that animal in the eye
was a deep sense of awe,
definitely was
a deep sense of awe.
What happened is,
Bryant kept swimming
towards them and
I was hoping that they
would go towards him,
because he’s the one who
needs to be close to them.
Well, for some reason,
they thought
I was more interesting.
So they swam under him,
and then
they began to surface
and come towards me.
Luckily they
didn’t surface all the way
and that’s when Bryant
took that photograph.
When we return, we’ll
see more magnificent
photographs of whales
by Bryant Austin.
Please stay tuned
to Supreme Master
Welcome back
to Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants
here on
Supreme Master Television,
featuring Bryant Austin
and his amazing,
life-size photos of whales,
which are now on exhibit
in Lofoten, Norway,
until September 8, 2010.
These photos reflect
Mr. Austin’s hope
to inspire people to save
the world’s dwindling
populations of whales.
You take a series of photos
along their body to make
a full life-size composite.
It takes about 100 hours
to blend them together.
And this whale
wanted me to touch him
and I wouldn’t touch him.
And so he took
the front of his head,
which is the size of your
front door of your house,
and pushed it up
against my body until
I pushed off of him and
touched it with my hand.
And then I swam over
to his eye to look at him
and that’s when I began
making some close-up
portraits of his eye
as he was studying me.
And would you tell us
about this photograph
that we’re now looking at?
You said that
it is a Minke Whale.
The Minke Whale, yes.
It was really important
to me to work
with the Minke Whales.
They’re the most heavily
hunted whale in the world.
I think probably
more than 25,000 have
been hunted and killed
since the global ban
on whaling.
It just breaks my heart
to think a wild creature
that’s so friendly,
so inquisitive
and so gentle to me, that
my species is bringing
so much suffering to them.
It was just last year
that I received funding
to work with them
and there is one female
in particular that
I spent five days with,
up to six hours a day.
I composed over 300
photographs of her body.
I made portraits of her eye.
I produced my largest
life-sized composite
photograph of her.
It measures
seven by 30 feet
And that photograph
just débuted in Norway
last month.
So I’m very grateful
for that.
As part of your work in
raising awareness about
the plight of the whales
and also whaling, do you
travel to different nations
and speak with some of
the whaling communities?
I do, I exhibit within
whaling communities.
Right now,
we’re focusing on Norway,
and our fourth exhibition
is up right now.
It’s a public space
exhibition, our first one,
and it reaches
200,000 people a day.
And it began
during the opening
of the whaling season.
And this isn’t something
that’s antagonistic
or polarizing, it’s
a pro-whale campaign.
And they have
exclusive access,
the largest,
most detailed photographs
of whales premiere
in these countries.
And audiences
in whaling nations are
my teachers, because if
I can get through to them
in a peaceful way
that’s positive, there’s hope
that I can create
a new model for change,
one that can be applied
worldwide to the
far more difficult issues
whales face.
So people
in whaling nations
have become my
most important teachers.
What are
some of the comments
you’ve heard from people
glancing at these photos
for the first time?
The thing
that strikes them most
is the closeness
of the photographs,
that I’m so close to them.
And that really draws out
their curiosity and
fascination about whales.
And then I can
engage them on that level,
and then we could
talk about whaling.
But the idea
that they’re so gentle and
they take such great care
not to harm me
when we’re six feet away
from each other,
on their terms of course,
and that’s had
the most profound impact
so far in these countries.
I didn’t foresee that.
I was always concerned
about being that close
to whales.
I didn’t want
to be that close.
I tried at 10 feet.
I simply
wasn’t able to make
the photographs life-sized.
The detail
and tonal range is lost.
The color is lost
at that distance,
so it’s interesting
how that transpired.
The closeness is what’s
captivating my audiences
most of all.
There’s a lot about whales
that what we may
never know and can lose.
They’re complex,
social animals
with communication
that we’ve been studying
for four decades
that we don’t even
have a clue, yet.
Carl Sagan once said
that we are a way for
the cosmos to know itself,
meaning we’re basically,
the cosmos
becoming self-aware.
I think that’s something
we could benefit from,
Thank you Bryant Austin
and Diana Hay,
for your hard work and
devotion to producing
and promoting images of
the true nature of whales
to help save
these precious beings
that bless our planet.
May these awe-inspiring
photographs continue to
reach the hearts of people
around the world.
For more details
on Bryant Austin and his
life-size whale portraits,
please visit:
To view “A Short Film:
In the Eye of the Whale”
please visit
Thank you for joining us
today on Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants.
Up next is
Enlightening Entertainment,
after Noteworthy News.
May the songs of the ocean
bring soothing calmness
to your being!
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