Beyond Language:Wuno the Dog and Telepathic Animal Communicator Elisabeth Berger - P2/2 . (In German)
Today’s Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants will
be presented in German,
with subtitles in Arabic,
Aulacese (Vietnamese),
Aulacese (Vietnamese),
Chinese, English,
French, German,
Indonesian, Japanese,
Korean, Malay,
Mongolian, Persian,
Portuguese, Russian,
Spanish and Thai.
The main purpose of
us dogs is to
teach humans love,
this unconditional love,
this loyalty that
we show to you.
Greetings, kind viewers,
and welcome to
Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants.
This episode is
the second and final part
of our insightful
interview with vegetarian
Austrian telepathic
animal communicator
and certified dog trainer
Elisabeth Berger.
Through Ms. Berger
we’ll once again
hear from her noble
canine companion Wuno
who has some fascinating
things he wishes to
share with humanity.
Our animal companions
are often
our closest friends
and family members.
We asked Ms. Berger
if they could also
be our soul mates and
what their purposes are
here on Earth.
I personally think that
a dog can definitely be
a soul mate and is one
because every dog
comes to you
with a certain reason.
We learn something
different with every dog.
I say this because
my first dog that
I trained alone was
a Bull Terrier female
from a humane society
and that dog really
taught me that true
beauty comes from inside.
She was
a chunky little thing
and just exuded love,
unbelievably beautiful.
Every dog comes and
teaches me something
new and I think that
that’s true
for a lot of people.
We know that
emotionally, animals
are highly intelligent and
it would just be important
simply to recognize it.
And the second thing is,
of course, the feeling
with the animals:
To feel how they are doing,
to develop the awareness
that animals are
living beings and partners
can simply only happen
through a change
in consciousness.
Can we too develop
the skill to communicate
with animals?
Ms. Berger now provides
her perspective.
The Earth is living and
we are a part of that.
We have always
communicated and we
are innately telepathic.
Every mother and father
who has a relation
to an infant knows that.
We simply know
how the child is doing.
We know what’s going on
without language.
Let me give you
another example from
the world of humans.
Suppose that
your partner comes to
you and says,
“Darling, I love you.”
Then you would certainly
perceive that feeling.
Telepathy is
“the distant feeling.”
We can really
communicate with
animals telepathically
through feelings and we
can also communicate
with animals mentally
through our minds.
Animals send us
their message as a unit.
That means that
the feelings are contained
in it, words are there,
images are there,
movie segments,
and those are simply
techniques that are used.
Everyone can do it
and it’s a little like
everyone can learn
to play the piano.
For playing at home
or for a group or even
becoming a pianist,
each one of us can learn
to do it basically
because it is innate to us.
So that means that
from heart-to-heart
is something that is
so important to me
because when you are
at the heart level,
you are not manipulating
Because when you send
your messages
through your heart,
you feel everything
that you do and that’s
very important to me.
If we can communicate
with animals, how about
other living things?
We communicate
constantly with plants
because we are simply
connected with
each other through this
“original telepathy.”
This language is still
very important.
Dr. Masaru Emoto
did a lot of research
in the area of water.
Well, the way we think,
the way we feel,
the way we speak, the
vibrations we send out
affect the environment
and plants feel that.
That was shown
a long time ago.
So we have known it
for a long time.
Once the connection is
established, how can one
interpret what is seen,
felt or heard?
How can we be sure
that the information
we receive is correct?
The universe is arranged
in a way that we are able
to communicate all
feelings through the DNA.
From my point of view
there are several things
that have to be learned.
The first is just to let
the information through
because it is important
to accept that we are able
to receive information
at all, because
the rational half of
the brain keeps saying:
“Explain it to me,
explain it to me.”
So, leave yourself
some space for intuition
to be there.
Then on top of that
for people to
condition themselves
for communication
techniques, i.e., the way
that they are expressing
themselves rhetorically
and in their
That is part of it, as well
as being able to clearly
separate which message
is from you and which
message is from me,
and what I do with it.
animal communication
can be an invaluable tool
in helping animal patients
be effectively treated
by veterinarians.
One of my clients called
saying they (the doctors)
could not find anything,
but the dog was getting
weaker and weaker,
the blood was worse
and worse but they
couldn’t find anything.
So, I asked the dog to
project, so to speak, into
my body how he felt and
he ‘mirrored into me’,
as is the technical term.
There was
an unbelievable feeling
of nausea
in the stomach area.
I told the human
companion to speak to
the veterinarian
and that they should
look at the stomach.
They then found that
the aorta had a fine tear,
which means that the
blood was getting into
the stomach and so the
dog was able to be saved
through an operation.
In a few moments,
we’ll resume our
eye-opening discussion
with the talented
Elisabeth Berger.
Please stay tuned to
Supreme Master
Welcome back
to Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants
featuring vegetarian
Austrian telepathic
animal communicator
and canine specialist
Elisabeth Berger and
messages from her loving
canine companion Wuno.
Will more humans
learn to connect to
the inner world of
animals in the future?
Wuno shares
his kindhearted answer
to this question.
He says that’s inevitably
going to happen,
because everybody
can do it anyway.
What can be felt
at the moment is that
things are changing.
We humans are able to
progress spiritually,
for example
through meditation.
Can dogs meditate, too?
We’re always
He says, “Sometimes,
when it looks like
I’m sleeping, I’m actually
going to other worlds
to work there.
I am also working with
the people from
the seminars, who carry
on asking me questions.”
He also works with me,
so to say, when I’m
in a state of rest,
but on a level that’s
beyond language.
That’s something I’m
unable to put into words
right now, because
it involves emotions
that are flowing.
Right now our Earth is
in great danger because
of climate change and
many animals are dying,
many species are
dying out.
He says he has
heard about that and
it’s common knowledge
in the realm of nature,
and that it’s time that
humans finally begin
to understand.
I’m doing my part to help.
That’s all I can say.
He’s sending me
an afterthought:
Of course there is a
network and the animals
are trying very, very hard.
He says, the chances
are looking good.
Being a voice for animals,
Elisabeth Berger is
a committed vegetarian.
She now speaks about
why she has chosen this
honorable way of life.
Whatever we do
influences our next life,
On the one hand,
I would say that
we should, of course,
take action and here
again I see several levels.
I use animal-free
In the environment
I am in, I try to live
so that I don’t sit still
when a crime is being
committed on animals,
a dog is being bullied.
I have worked on myself
to improve
my communication
with animals.
As soon as you ingest
the dead meat and corpse,
so to speak,
you are more dull.
There’s no question
about it.
There are many people
who just say,
“Well it’s obvious,
I get it now,
we are the same…
human beings and
animals are simply souls
in different physical
containers and
they change from one day
to the next.”
And the important thing
is to stick with it,
so to speak, and
to keep your goal in mind
and to contribute
your bit to the world.
There are plenty of
studies about vegetarians,
that show that
vegetarians are
simply healthier.
Very few people
understand that
I can only be
a receptive vehicle with
my body when I am not
blocked by emotions;
that is, when I lead
a healthy lifestyle.
In general it’s true that
the healthier you yourself
live, the easier the work
will be on the subtle level.
There’s no question
about that.
And I am so happy that
my life changed so much.
It has enriched me
so much.
As a token of thanks
for all the good work
Elisabeth Berger is doing
for animals,
and for setting aside
her precious time
to give our interview,
we presented some gifts
to her including
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
#1 best sellers
“The Birds in My Life,”
“The Dogs in My Life”
and “The Noble Wilds.”
Supreme Master Ching Hai
also adopted
10 dogs and 23 birds
and the books speak
for themselves and
thank you for letting us
be here today.
I thank you and I hope
that for the benefit
of animals and
for our beautiful world,
we can contribute
something good.
Be veg,
go green.
That is a nice message.
We could really reduce
greenhouse gases
a great deal by lowering
meat consumption.
So I think it is great
how your Master just
gives animals a home.
For those 10 dogs,
for example, she is
making a very real
difference because
they now have a home.
Oh, these are
beautiful pictures.
So you can see
the warmth,
it’s unbelievable.
I am so touched
by the pictures.
It’s nice how
it’s translated with
speech bubbles.
Ms. Berger also
complimented one of
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
canine companions,
He’s very telepathic.
I am certain that he also
works with humans
the way that it feels.
He has a very strong
in the heart space.
I am very happy
about the presents.
Well, I find what
your Master is doing
wonderful. Thank you.
Thank you, Ms. Berger,
for all your wonderful
efforts to awaken
the innate compassion
in those around you.
Also, our appreciation,
for your unconditional
love for humanity.
Intuitive viewers,
it’s been a pleasure
having you with us today
on Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants.
Coming up next is
Enlightening Entertainment
after Noteworthy News.
May all animals
on our Earth forever
be loved and cherished.
For more details on
Elisabeth Berger,
please visit
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