The Power of the Word:Dr. Masaru Emoto and Water Crystals - P2/2      
Welcome to Supreme Master Television. Today on Science and Spirituality, we present Part 2 of our program featuring 3 best-selling Japanese author and peace advocate Dr. Masaru Emoto, who is well-known for his classic text “Hidden Messages in Water.”

Dr. Emoto’s pioneering research is featured in the critically acclaimed American film “What the Bleep Do We Know!?.” Using the medium of water, he suggests that our thoughts and emotions have great power.

Dr. Emoto has given evidence, through high-resolution photography of frozen water crystals, that prayer, blessings and strong feelings physically change the crystalline structure of water molecules. Since the majority of our body is made up of water, the implication of his fascinating discovery is that our thoughts and emotions have a direct effect on our overall health.

Born in 1943 in Japan, Dr. Emoto is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University’s Department of Humanities and Sciences. In 1992, he received certification as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine, a field of medical practice based on spiritual, metaphysical and newly developed approaches to healing. Dr. Emoto says that water is sacred and comes from the Divine and that water was the ingredient that initiated all life on our planet.

NASA announced that water came by air from space in May, 1997. We observed for the first time that substances like immense numbers of snowballs came from space by air into the atmosphere of the earth. Each substance measures 100 tons in weight and about 4 meters x 5 meters x 5 meters in size. We hear that they come by air at about 1 million per year.

This phenomenon has continued since recorded history and continues even now, and it is predicted to continue to exist too. It means that there was no water at first on this planet. All life cannot be born without water. In other words water is the source of life, and it comes from the Universe.

According to Dr. Emoto, there is an inherent connection between our DNA and water.

This is the school called Earth where we come to learn about the energy. Well, it is about human’s consciousness, the higher the consciousness of humans is, the bigger, the gross weight of energy becomes. In other words, consciousness equals DNA in my opinion. When I think further what this DNA is, I wonder if it might be information given by God.

Scientists admit that the activation rate of the DNA is 3% on average. In fact God gave knowledge to all of us beforehand. We have forgotten it for some reason or have been made to forget. I think that loving and appreciating water, and understanding and respecting water is what activates DNA. We must go back to the origin in order to create our world with a new concept of values.

The concept of “Hado” or the vibration which is produced by our thoughts, words, and prayers is at the core of Dr. Emoto’s worldview.

Vibration, which is the beginning of everything, actually is the physical vibration at the molecular level as described by quantum physics – the vibration of elementary particles in quantum physics. But this still cannot be measured and tested. Therefore, I call it Hado and it is part of what relates to the human senses.

The Hado we create can change the environment around us. Dr. Emoto talks about how water and even rice can be used to show the workings of Universal law.

This photograph is a crystallization of love and appreciation. Viewing from the darkness, we can see such a beautiful thing float and rise. It is the energy of light. So when our consciousness is really in harmony with water, it shows energy to us. Self-respect or self-love, and a shape of prayer were revealed.

In other words, thanking God in oneself. When we speak to rice, the way it decomposes will change. A boy said “stupid” once a day (to the rice), and he said “thank you” to this one. You see the big difference in one month.

Like thoughts and words, music is another medium that Dr. Emoto uses to show how Hado modifies the surrounding atmosphere. Here are some examples of water crystals formed in purified water under laboratory conditions after being exposed to various pieces of classical music.

When we return we will learn more about Dr. Masaru Emoto’s intriguing research on vibrations and their relation to water and our lives. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television where we are profiling best-selling Japanese author and peace advocate Dr. Masaru Emoto and his work on how our speech and thoughts create vibrations that can be seen in water crystals. Dr. Emoto will now explain the process he uses to photograph water crystals for his experiments.

First of all, about sampling water; sampling water can be tap water, natural water and so on. We use syringes to drop about 0.5 cubic centimeters of sampling water into 50 separate petri dishes. Then, we let them freeze at a temperature between -25 to -30 degrees Celsius for approximately three hours. The freezer is inside a big cold room which has the temperature set at -5 degrees Celsius. After those are frozen, we take them out of the freezer and we observe them one after another with a microscope at 200 times magnification in a room. (where the temperature is set at -5 degrees Celsius.)

Actually, we have the opportunity to take 50 photos. But because we need to find the properly formed crystals in two minutes and the frozen water melts so quickly, the actual chance to push the shutter of the camera would only be about 30 times. Therefore, out of 30 photos on average, taking the statistics in various ways, we could see how many crystals came out well or if nothing was good. From these compiled data, we were able to define the good or bad water, or the good or bad crystals, and report to you (the public) such results.

The water that Dr. Emoto utilizes for his research is not from any particular place or source.

As for the water which we put music on for, show letters or show pictures to, we always use the same water produced in the factory as standard water. This standard water is so-called distilled water.

As a general rule, the purity of the water has a significant effect on whether water crystals can be created.

The more such substances are contained, the less chance of water crystals. We are aware of this fact first of all. One more thing about natural water is if the natural water is from a good environment then of course it will be crystallized beautifully.

I think that whether such beautiful hexagon crystallization can be formed or not certainly depends on the quality of the water, whether it is good or bad. What I mean by good or bad is whether it is appropriate or not for all the life phenomena. That is how we see it.

Given his knowledge of the properties of water and Hado, Dr. Emoto creates “vibrated water” to treat his patients.

I used MRA (Magnetic Resonance Analysis), which detects vibrations, with over 15,000 patients. The process of their cures was published. So I thought of making water “read” a text, that it might sense the vibrations, and then perhaps even respond to the vibrations.

Here are some examples using the Japanese language of how words deliver messages to water and the crystals Dr. Emoto has found to form in response. The difference in shape, clarity and splendor of crystals when comparing those words with a constructive meaning and those with a negative one is amazing.

The first word means “Thank you” in Japanese. A beautiful pattern is made. Next the word “fool” is written. See how a completely different crystal is formed. Now let’s look at two opposing words, “war” and “peace.” This is “war.” Now the word “peace” as it appears as a water crystal.

The words used need not be Japanese. Here are the results Dr. Emoto obtained when the words “Thank you” were written in French, and in Chinese In 2006, to spread public awareness of Hado, Dr. Emoto created the Emoto Peace Project in conjunction with the United Nations.

What is the Emoto (Peace) Project? I know it has something to do with your work with children in the community. Can you explain what it's about?

I started a project with the United Nations. The issue was to teach the children of the world how important their speech should be. I made a children’s version of my book “Messages of Water” and distributed about 650-million copies free of charge. Of course, it was not done by me alone. Many people had given me a hand in such a project.

What is your vision for the future of our planet, for our people, for the work that you're doing? Where do you see your work going and carrying on?

Just like what I said, my ultimate focus will be on educating children. For example, 10 years from now these children will become adults, they will be doing the work we are doing. Based on my fundamental work, I expect they can continue in the direction of taking free energy from water. Thus, from their hands I hope they succeed in extracting energy from water freely.

And I hope this can benefit an unlimited number of people, creating a peaceful, happy world environment. I think I can only work toward that direction for another decade. I hope I can leave behind something like that in the world.

Our deep appreciation goes to Dr. Masaru Emoto for sharing with us his important research on Hado and the special properties of water. May the Emoto Peace Project have much success in reaching young people and reminding them of the importance of speech, actions and thoughts and how they affect the world around us.

Thank you, enlightened viewers, for joining us on Science and Spirituality. Up next is Words of Wisdom after Noteworthy News. May your days be filled with joy and laughter.

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