Dr. Bruce Lipton - "Nature, Nurture,& the Power of Love"    Part 1   
Greetings fine friends; we welcome you to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television. Our show today features excerpts of a lecture by Dr. Bruce Lipton, an internationally recognized authority from the United States on the connection between science and the spirit.

Dr. Lipton is the author of several books, including “The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles.” By training, he is an expert in cell biology and is a former medical school professor and research scientist. His research work in the 1980s at the prestigious Stanford University, USA showed that the outer layer, or membrane, of our cells, is the equivalent of our brain. By processing information from the outside environment, the cell’s “brain” can effect changes inside the cell.

He has found scientific evidence demonstrating that our beliefs, manifest themselves at the level of the cells in our bodies. Dr. Lipton says that by modifying these beliefs, we have the power to fundamentally change our lives for the better. Now we now present part one of our program featuring portions from his fascinating talk entitled “Nature, Nurture, & the Power of Love” which concerns conscious parenting or how parents can set the best possible foundation for a child’s future.

It’s your interaction in the environment that selects your gene programs. If you are in a very supporting, nurturing environment, you’ll express functions of the system to promote growth. But if you’re in a toxic, angry creating environment, an environment that conflicts with your life, you’re going to select different programs. Perceptions are also given a survival value. Each perception you see influences your life.

And so there is a value, when you learn about that perception you give it a value of whether it’s supporting your life or something that threatens your life. And that’s very important, because even after that, when you see that perception again, you will automatically say, “Oh, I remember that threatened me.” Or, “This was a great thing, I love that!” And so what is loving or hating or fearing something?

These are the values of the perception that you’ve acquired. You learn these perceptions. This is very important. What are the perception values? Well, basically at the fundamental level there are two values to perception.

1: perceptions that provide for growth and reproduction. Things in your environment that nourish you, encourage you to thrive in the world, you give them a growth value to them. And you engage in behaviors of growth. Growth is opening up your arms and taking it in. Growth is things that are out there, giving you sustenance and supporting your life.

But you need other mechanisms of survival besides growth. You have to understand protection. They involve different activities. Growth is encouraging the system to facilitate its own homeostatic balance. Protection, you don’t go into protection like, “Hey!” open your arms up. What do you do in protection? You close them down. Interesting? Growth, open. Protection, closed.

Same thing, humans and cells. Anything that supports your growth, you will move towards it with open arms, you will go out and get it. And the most important growth factor for a human being is love. Love is what provides harmony to the system. Love is an energy that coordinates and makes the community a whole functioning system.

Here Dr. Lipton analyzes the classic debate of nature versus nurture regarding what kind of personality traits a young one will possess when older.

Hundreds of years, nature, nurture, nurture, nature. Which is more important? I can tell you the truth. The answer: "consciousness.” Reason: consciousness can override anything you had in your nurture. Consciousness can even re-write your genes. In fact, in cancer that's probably one of the most likely situations involved.

The reality is, consciousness is more powerful than either nature or nurture because consciousness can re-write both of those. And we never talk about. And the important part is, we never talk about it, it’s more important than what we do talk about!

Even before a baby is born, he or she will gain information from their parents while still in the womb. Dr. Lipton suggests this information will influence how the baby will perceive and react to this world after birth.

The fetus is getting the same signals across the placenta. So as the mother experiences something, the fetus experiences. Why? Same hormones, cross the placenta, affect the embryo. It's not a bad plan. Reason: it's nature’s head start program. What's going on in the world? Fetus can't see it. So what does the fetus do?

Rely on what the mother experiences. And as the mother experiences, the fetus will adopt and adjust its physiology to respond to what she sees. So the parents collectively influence the mother's environment. It's the parents that are shaping the genetics and expression of this child by their perception.

Please stay tuned for more from Dr. Bruce Lipton’s lecture “Nature, Nurture, & the Power of Love” after these brief messages. You are watching Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to Science and Spirituality. Today we are featuring a talk entitled “Nature, Nurture, & the Power of Love” by Dr. Bruce Lipton, an expert on cell biology and an internationally recognized authority on the connection between science and the spirit. Eye contact and physical touching with their parents is crucial to a baby’s psychological make-up and perception of the world when they become older. Without this bonding between a parent and child, behavioral issues can appear.

What is important? Direct eye contact with the child. The reason is: the child has a moment window. At first, an infant can distinguish chimp faces from each other as individuals. It can distinguish human faces as individuals. But a little later in development, just after a couple of weeks, it can't distinguish the individual difference between chimp faces.

It can only distinguish the individual difference between human faces. It's beginning to narrow and focus it down on who is the parent. Reason why? The eye contact and also physical touching is most important, it is required to create an attachment bonding. The relevance about it, as I said, the child learns perception. Well, who is it going to learn it from?

The one it’s attached to. That becomes the teacher. Both parents can be bonding with their child. Reason why? And this is so beautiful. The child is programmed very, very quickly to determine the facial expression of the parents. If the parent are smiling and happy, that means everything is fine.

How many parents are actually observing their kids when they are learning things? Most of them are too busy doing other things. If the child turns around, the parent’s not there, then what is going to gauge whether this is a good thing or a bad thing? It's lost. Now it's not very clear. It was designed to learn very quickly by observing the facial character of the parent, what was going on.

Now here is an important point: If the bonding doesn't occur, then the child will not focus on faces, it actually it will start to focus on mouths more or less. This has been found in three year olds because that's the first time where you can judge autism. An autistic child does not look and recognize its own mother's face or it's father's face from anybody else's face. It can't do it. When it looks at a face all it looks at, it sees the mouth; it doesn't even look at the face. Reason?

It lost bonding, it doesn't know. One of the consequences of improper bonding is the child will express the characteristics of Attention Deficit Disorder. Meaning the child will not focus on anything in particular, it will just be scanning and will not focus on things. And why is this a problem? Because so much of this bonding hasn't occurred that so many children are expressing it. The problem is that we confuse it with Attention Deficit Disorder, those are two different things.

And the problem is, what then happens to these kids is, “Oh, this child has Attention Deficit Disorder. Give it these drugs,” you know, Ritalin, or something like that. And the reality is, now you've compounded the problem and made it worse. It wasn't Attention Deficit Disorder; it was an attachment disorder that giving the drugs in no way affects this.

Dr. Lipton discussed specifically what parents can do to help their children be the best they can be through focusing on what messages they are sending to the little ones.

Until six years of age, a child's in a hypnotic state. Everything you say and do, it's learning, it's watching, it's observing. And until then, until six, at that point, it begins to express its own consciousness, which can still make programs but then it's involved with the program. Up until six is the most important period. The reason is this. This is the period of enculturation. This is the period where the child has to learn all of the details about language and movement and how to integrate in a society.

This is the developmental period of learning how to be a part of a community and why consciousness is not involved is, it would distort the downloading of this information. So in this time period, the child is completely a tape recorder of all of the behavior it observes from the teachers called its parents.

And all of a sudden, you start to recognize a very important problem that's going to happen here. And that is, then you were also programmed between two and six to have behaviors. And you weren't consciously involved with your own programming. And these are fundamental programs. By the time a child is six, the parents could be gone, and the child will still grow up just like the parents were.

If the child has learned behaviors from nurture that are not good or the best for them, things can still be changed, as consciousness in Dr. Lipton’s opinion is the most important factor.

You can change any programming. Consciousness can override nurture any time. But you need to do it with, a process. You just can’t do it. It’s a process of change. (Regarding) educational resources and referrals, I want to provide you with two organizations that will give you all the referrals you need about changing programs, all of nature’s steps of conscious conception, conscious pregnancy, conscious parenting,

These are the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health - APPPAH. This is the website, tremendous resources. And this one is called the Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children. Another website. You can download from these organizations details about the things that I talked about today, plus processes that can be used in creating a better relationship with your children, a better understanding of parenting.

And in this process, the whole nature of it is very important for this reason, that is, how we parent our children is how they will parent their children. How we parent our children today changes the future of evolution on this planet, and therefore our own children are the future parents.

We would like to extend our appreciation to Dr. Bruce Lipton for providing his insights on child development and parenting and for reminding us that above all love is the most important element in life. Please join us again next week on Science and Spirituality where we will present part two of our program featuring more highlights from Dr. Lipton’s lecture.

Thank you, our caring and intelligent viewers, for being with us today for our show. Now, please stay tuned for Words of Wisdom next, after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May Heaven bless the children all over the world with bright futures.
Greetings, loving friends, welcome to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television. Dr. Bruce Lipton is an internationally recognized authority from the United States on the connection between science and the spirit. Dr. Lipton is the author of several books, including “The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles.”

By training, he is an expert in cell biology and is a former medical school professor and research scientist. His research work in the 1980s at the prestigious Stanford University, USA showed that the outer layer, or membrane, of our cells, is the equivalent of our brain. By processing information from the outside environment, the cell’s “brain” can effect changes inside the cell.

He has found scientific evidence demonstrating that our beliefs, manifest themselves at the level of the cells in our bodies. Dr. Lipton says that by modifying these beliefs, we have the power to fundamentally change our lives for the better.

Last week we brought you part one of Dr. Lipton’s fascinating talk entitled “Nature, Nurture, & the Power of Love” which concerns conscious parenting or how parents can set the best possible foundation for a child’s future. Now we will present more highlights from his lecture in part two of our program.

Parenting is a way of life. The new biology reveals we are very, very personally responsible. We really should be understanding how we incorporate ourselves in the community of nature, not to dominate nature, but how to participate in the community. This is also the effort of understanding about parenting because we are a community of people.

Here Dr. Lipton analyzes the consequences of living in fear and how important it is for organisms to grow in a stable environment.

When you’re in protection, you cannot grow. Cells in protection close themselves off. So, the more fear you’re in, the more you shut your system down. The more you shut your system down, the less growth. And growth is not just from a neonate to an adult. A growth behavior is required every day of your life, for the simple reason, every day of your life you’re losing millions and billions of your cells.

If you don’t replace them, after a short period of time, the attrition will cause a breakdown of the mechanism and disease. The more fear that you live in, the more protection you hold, the less growth you express and the more susceptible you are now for disease. Because what have you done? Shut down the system. Everybody needs to grow every day.

In the modern world stress is all around. But how does stress influence children in general? Dr. Lipton says that stress, especially exam stress, may actually hurt children's intellectual development.

You shut down growth, that's the first thing you do when you get under stress. The system knows this. Those stress hormones cause the immune system to shut itself off. We live in a stressful world out there. What does that mean when you're under stress? You shut off your own immune system. That's when you start to get sick fast.

If you're running away from a lion, stressful adrenal system, are you going to use executive reasoning and logic or are you going to use hindbrain reflex behavior? You engage in reflex behavior, not thinking. Point, when you're under stress, you're less intelligent. And the world, we are becoming less intelligent as a group because of the stresses that we're under. We're not thinking clearly.

In school, we call it, "exam stress.” (With) exam stress, try to think of an answer. You can't, because the answer comes from reasoning and logic. And when you're under exam stress, all you're thinking about is running out of the exam room, going "Ahh!” And so right away, you're not working on logic.

So the point is, what happens to us when we live in this world under stress? We shut off our growth. We shut off our immune system and we shut down our intelligence. As a group, as a population, as a nation, we really haven’t been given the proper parenting skills to really understand how to do parenting. And therefore, to try and blame yourself for parenting issues without having proper teaching in this area also means there is no blame.

Really what I want to try and tell you is that, first of all, parenting, it’s not a list of things to do, and I’m not going to provide a list of things to do. Once you see how the cells actually work, all of a sudden you say, “Oh my goodness! Our belief in things like genes controlling biology and all this other stuff is not accurate at all!” There is a new understanding, and what’s really wonderful about it, it is really fully empowering.

The Human Genome Project was an initiative sponsored by the US government with the key goal of identifying all the genes of human DNA.

Ten, 12 years of this Human Genome Project, and in 2001 the results are released, and what are they? The answer is not 140,000 genes as anticipated. The answer is 34,000 genes. In the issue on the Human Genome Project in Nature, a Nobel Laureate, David Baltimore, he is a geneticist and a Nobel Prize winning geneticist at that, very prominent in the world, had a special article in the issue of Nature, describing the results of the Human Genome Project.

And in the conclusion of his results, this is what he writes: “But unless the human genome contains a lot of genes that are opaque to our computers, it is clear that we do not gain our undoubted complexity over worms and plants by using more genes.”

Please stay tuned for more from Dr. Bruce Lipton’s lecture “Nature, Nurture, & the Power of Love” after these brief messages. You are watching Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to Science and Spirituality. Today we are featuring excerpts from a talk entitled “Nature, Nurture, & the Power of Love” given by Dr. Bruce Lipton, an expert on cell biology and an internationally recognized authority on the connection between science and the spirit.

In this part of the lecture, Dr. Lipton will explain the interplay of the subconscious and conscious mind in human development. Also, he discusses how a child's intelligence is affected by their pre-natal or even preconception environment.

We acquire instincts from genetics and learned habits are stored in the sub-conscious. And the third level of perception is the conscious mind, which is creative, different than the sub-conscious mind which is just learned habits. The conscious mind can create new ones. So the conscious mind is really important.

The imprints will lay down just before the fertilization. So it’s the attitudes of the parents within the few months before that conception that are selecting an imprint that will determine some very fundamental shapes and characters of their future baby. This brain is half the size of that brain. Fifty percent of a child’s intelligence can be determined by the prenatal environment and pre-conception environment. You can sure change a child’s intelligence 50 percent by living in fear.

Conscious pregnancy. It's a very important understanding. So what's going on during the pregnant period between the parents is totally influencing the expression of this child and the future of this child. So rather than our belief that the mother is just providing nutrients, we must add this important fact. She provides information about the environment.

We're now beginning to realize that the pre-natal environmental conditions profoundly change the physiology and development of the child. A new analysis shows that genetic influences may be weaker and pre-natal environmental influences greater than previously appreciated.

It has now been demonstrated that intelligence is approximately 48% determined by genes, 52% determined by environment.” Meaning: in a completely toxic noxious environment, you can short change the intelligence of your child 50%. Just by your responding to that environment.

How does a newborn baby feel and learn? How does the brain develop in the first few years?

From before birth to two years of age, a child will express predominately delta activity, which is very low frequency brain activity. When we express that, we're essentially sleeping or not being conscious. It doesn't mean the child's unconscious. The child is totally present but not engaged in what's going on. It seeing, observing it and downloading it, but doesn't like (to) interfere with the download. Doesn't say, "Gee, that was a good behavior. That was bad behavior.” It just watches you and learns the behavior. It's not being consciously involved in the learning.

Sub-consciousness is not consciousness. Consciousness is creative. Sub-consciousness are tapes. Where did you get the tapes? Oh, your subconscious was programmed before birth up through six years of age without you even being involved. You learned tapes about how to live. After you get past six, this development of the pre-frontal cortex region here, which is where our central source of consciousness comes from, self-consciousness, self-reflection is an add-on really.

And as a matter of fact it's an option. A lot of people in this world don't even use consciousness. The reason is, you don't need it. Once you learn the program, it's just repetition. When you are not paying attention to your own consciousness, you are playing tapes that are not even yours. And you don’t even see it. Because the sub-consciousness works in-perceptively, it’s so fast that it doesn’t even engage consciousness.

Finally, Dr. Lipton talks about awareness and community living, which are spiritual in nature.

When you live in a community, you share awareness. You might only be able to have one on your own but when you lie live with 15 others, you get to share their awareness. So the purpose of coming together in a community was to expand awareness. Whether it’s a single cell coming into a cellular community or a single human coming into a human community, it’s the same evolutionary drive, more awareness, greater survival.

In community, cells defer their own intelligence to follow the central voice. In other words, a community cannot exist if every member in the community does whatever, how they want to do. A community exists because we work together for a common goal and a common end. So there’s a commonality to the thing, a plan that we are all following; a central voice.

We would like to extend our appreciation to Dr. Bruce Lipton for providing his insights on child development and parenting and for reminding us that above all love is the most important element in life. Thank you, our caring and intelligent viewers, for joining us on this edition of Science and Spirituality. Now, please stay tuned for Words of Wisdom next, after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May all children be blessed by Heaven and reach their full potential.

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