Dr. Konstantin Korotkov:Seeing the Unseen With Electrophotonics - P1/3      
Welcome to this week’s Science and Spirituality where, in the first in a three-part series, we highlight the highly intriguing work of Russian biophysicist, inventor, and pioneer of the innovative scientific field called electrophotonics, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov. Dr. Korotkov, who is based in St. Petersburg, Russia, invented the Gas Discharge Visualization, or GDV, technique by which the energy fields emanating from humans may be viewed in real time.

Among other areas, GDV is being applied in predictive medicine. Those trained to use a GDV device can detect health issues so clients can make lifestyle changes to resolve the condition or receive medical care from a doctor right away. Dr. Korotkov is also the author and co-author of several books, including “Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Science,” “Science, Aura and Consciousness: New Stage of Scientific Understanding” and “Light after Life.” Let’s now welcome Dr. Korotkov to our show.

My name is Konstantin Korotkov. I’m a professor at the National Research University in Russia, dealing with technical science. At the same time, I’m deeply involved in testing athletes, Olympic teams, Para-Olympic teams, and consulting worldwide for health issues for different health centers.

For many years I worked in the (former) Soviet Union on different governmental projects in science related to laser optics, quantum physics, and solid-state physics. At the same time, I was very interested in oriental philosophy, in oriental wisdom, and in Chinese medicine. Finally I came to understand that without understanding energy, without understanding the human spirit, we can’t get a real understanding of the world. We have many types of energy, and we can measure it with many different instruments.

As the current era advances, science is venturing into new frontiers to explore what’s beyond the physical dimension and being used to reaffirm the teachings of ancient spiritual texts. Many scientists have acknowledged that we are more than biological, physical and chemical entities and are indeed also divine, spiritual beings. It is recorded in the Book of Genesis that God said, “Let there be light.”

In ancient traditions they tell about different layers of energy fields. From a physical point of view, those are frequencies. So we emanate light. We emanate frequencies in a very big range. And we can divide this range into some specific parts as we do in our software. But again from a scientific point of view, it’s mostly for convenience, because in reality it’s a continuous spectrum. One of the instruments to measure energy are bioelectrography instruments.

It was in 1777 when a German physicist found that in electrical fields, you can see light coming from some subjects. It is all related to electricity and photons. Our team was able to transform this to a new stage. So it is transformation from photography to digital computer processing, and digital analysis. So we study light emanated by different subjects in electrical fields. The question is whether it's possible to study this light without electrical fields. Yes, it's possible. Those are self- emanating photons. So we all emanate light, and this light comes both from living beings and from inanimate subjects.

Dr. Korotkov and his colleagues have conducted much research to demonstrate to the world that the Gas Discharge Visualization technique has many applications in the medical field.

From the very beginning, we had clinical studies with GDV cameras in top level hospitals, universities, first in Russia, then the United States. We collected a lot of clinical data, and based on this clinical data, we can have statistical information on good health, disease, and disturbances in health. By reading light coming from the fingers, doctors can predict weak points of the human organism. And this is very important, because our goal is not to treat illness, but to prevent it.

If we can detect problems in the very early stages, we can prevent it and not allow it to develop into some disease. It's very well-known if you can catch, for example, cancer in early stages, it may be treated very efficiently. We work in the line of predictive medicine, medicine of health, and our goal is to give people information and recommendations, what should be done to keep them healthy all the time.

For example, in our medical academy, they made studies on people after surgery, and they found that by measuring energy, they can predict the outcome of the surgery. It’s very important for doctors to define whether this particular person can survive surgery or it's better to leave it as it is. A lot of people, mostly elderly people, after surgery, may become very depressed, so it is really very unpleasant and dangerous.

By measuring energy, we can predict this condition, and then take precautions. By measuring people’s energy, it is mathematically possible to define the probability of hypertension. We have a big line of research with our oncological institute of Russia, with top level professors interested in maintaining the health of people. So by monitoring people, week after week, after treatment, we can really see how they are developing, and we can prescribe treatment to improve their conditions.

Why does the Gas Discharge Visualization technique specifically measure the energy emanating from the client’s hands? Dr. Korotkov now explains the reason.

Our hands and our fingers are the most sensitive parts of our body, they have the most amount of sensors compared with all other parts of the body, and we have the highest part of the sensitive area in our brain related to the hands and fingers. It is possible to connect information on the fingers with the Chinese meridians. We created a map of correlation between the fingers and the meridians, then it was clinically verified on thousands of patients.

Our Supreme Master Television correspondent had a Gas Discharge Visualization technique assessment done to measure his health status. Let’s us now find out the results.

And we can nicely see the discharges around these fingers here. The computer calculates the data and shows them in a picture that shows the human body. So now it is about to evaluate the photography, to interpret, and we can see the pixels in this area. It is counting the light points and gives us a figure of energy. We have 13,000 pixels and symmetry of 82% here. The symmetry means the dissemination over right and left. Energy of 82 to 100% is good. This picture shows the psychic condition (left side) and the physical condition on the right side. We have 28,000 light points in the physical realm and symmetry of 94%; that means the client is in top physical shape.

So, by measuring the fingers, and images or light coming from the fingers, we recreate in the computer the model of the energy field around the body. And it was tested in many, many experiments. We have a lot of people in the world who can see energy, can see auras, so we correlated our measurement with their vision, and it was proven that there are really very high correlations. When we have some holes in the energy field, those holes may be some weak functional activity of the organ system. So the difference between our instrument, our approach, and an ultrasound, or tomography (MRI), we don't look to the structure of the organ, we look to its functional activity. If you eat appropriate food, you’re absolutely in good condition; if you eat wrong food then it creates a lot of negative emotions, a lot of negative feelings.

Our diet affects not only our physical health, but also our mental, psychological and spiritual well-being. Since time immemorial, sages and enlightened masters have strongly advocated the avoidance of animal flesh. When animals are slaughtered, they go through tremendous trauma, anxiety and fear. So when meat is consumed by humans, the animals’ negative, agonized energies are transferred into the meat eaters’ bodies, influencing their energy fields. Over time, this distortion in the energy fields results in illness and disease.

In general, the main factor that influences energy fields are anxiety and stress. The negative factors in life. You may have anything from the environment, changing of conditions , but it may have a very low influence compared with your own inner peace. If people don’t have peace and calm in their soul, their energy field will never be in good condition. If people don’t have the means to calm their mind, their consciousness, then of course they have a lot of problems. Our negative emotions influence not only our own field, our own system but it has influence on other people as well. So people who are in bad negative condition, bad moods and negative moods, they send this condition outside to the environment, to other people.

More and more physicians and other health experts are encouraging people to switch to a plant-based diet for optimal health and longevity. Avoiding meat, dairy and eggs rids our bodies of the pressure and negative energy transmitted from these animal products to our cells. On numerous occasions Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about why an organic vegan diet should be embraced by everyone around our world, as in this May 2008 videoconference held in Seoul, South Korea.

Now, the vegetarian diet, which is benevolent so it will bring you happy energy and that in turn will breed more happiness, will attract more happiness and when you’re happy everything will be better.

Our sincere thanks, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov for introducing us to the amazing Gas Discharge Visualization technique. Your research is truly uniting science and spirituality.

For more information on Dr. Korotkov, please visit

Dr. Korotkov’s book "Light after Life: A Scientific Journey into the Spiritual World" is available at

Please join us again next Monday on Science and Spirituality for part two of our three-part series on the work of Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, when he will shed more light on our divine connection with one another and the environment. Thank you friendly viewers for your company today on our program. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News. May we always emanate loving energy.
The seers, the sages, and the pure in the heart can see our aura. If we do something right, we are God-realized, we are God-loving and one with God, our aura is golden, it’s brilliant. If we do something wrong, we hurt other people emotionally, physically, or mentally, or spiritually, our aura is dark. People can see us. We cannot cheat. That's why we have to keep ourselves beautiful.

Welcome to this week’s Science and Spirituality where, in the second in a three-part series, we highlight the highly intriguing work of Russian biophysicist, inventor, and pioneer of the innovative scientific field called electrophotonics, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov.

One of the instruments to measure energy are bioelectrography instruments. It was in 1777 when a German physicist found that in electrical fields, you can see light coming from some subjects. It is all related to electricity and photons. Our team was able to transform this to a new stage. So it is transformation from photography to digital computer processing, and digital analysis.

In electrophotonics, after 15 years, of development, we have developed it to a very high technological status using a lot of computer processing. All the information that we have is based on non-linear mathematics for modern image processing.

The Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique invented by Dr. Korotkov allows for the real-time study of energy fields, or auras, emanating from humans and other objects. In today’s discussion, he’ll cover some of the properties of these energy fields as well as explore the realms of consciousness and intention. In his scientific investigations Dr. Korotkov has discovered that the energy field that each of us has varies in size by time of day. He now explains more.

We have a notion of cycle of activity for everybody. Typically, we start from a low amplitude and go to a high amplitude during the day, then we come to a low amplitude again by 5, 6 PM. It’s a normal, typical cycle related to the activity of the sun. So it’s related to light and of course the cycle’s good when the person’s in good health. When there are some disturbances, for example, you change your time by flying or you change your time by some different behavior or you don’t sleep at night, you work hard at night, you drink, you smoke, then of course it can change the cycle. So for healthy people, for children, the cycle is very clearly presented.

One way to expand our energy field is through exposure to the sun.

Everything that we have around us, they originate from the sun, from photons. Because plants receive photons, they use water and air, and they create matter. So of course the sun is one of the obligatory essences for our life.

Studies by many renowned scientists have shown that our intentions or thoughts are enormously powerful and affect our energy field as well as the energy fields of those around us. Dr. Korotkov has performed much research regarding this phenomenon.

Energy is one of the key notions of science. Energy can transform from one form to another. We now have the understanding that we can generate our inner energy by our mental intention, by our mental force. And this of course is a topic of new science, new biophysics, and we are developing this both from the conceptual point of view and from the practical point of view, from instrumentations. We are really the masters of our energy field and our energy field strongly depends on anxiety, on stress.

So if people have inner anxiety, if they’re troubled about something all the time, if they have negative emotions, negative thoughts, then it will have a tremendous influence on their energy field. So you can change your own inner world. You can come to inner peace. You can get rid of negative thoughts, negative emotions. Then you may have a really strong energy field. And the first indications, those are dreams. If you have positive dreams, interesting dreams, then you are in a positive state.

Some people have a very strong, powerful energy field and if they send negative information, then this negative information may have a tremendous influence on other people. So it is very important to understand that by our intention, by our mood, we influence the world, we influence other people and we can really change the conditions of other people around ourselves. We have a lot of experiments on how people interact with each other and how they influence each other.

And we really can measure how people change other’s energy field with their own energy field. We can tell about the energy of love. If it is conditional love, or unconditional love, then it has a tremendous influence on the energy field and the well-being of a person. Now it is proven in many experiments that when children are raised up in love, they are much more healthy, much more established in their life compared with children who are raised up without care, without real love. So it is experimentally proven.

Science now acknowledges the existence of a vast ocean of cosmic energy that embraces all the planets, stars, moons and celestial objects in the universe. The same energy field – sometimes referred to as an intelligent, cosmic consciousness – connects us to everyone and everything else in the cosmos.

Now in the 21st century, we finally started developing the science of consciousness.

A lot of people with a high spiritual level, high consciousness level, have very strong, very powerful energy fields. When people achieve this level of consciousness, they create for themselves very good energy fields. You can do it in real life, everyday life. It’s possible. Then you’ll have the same type of energy field as the most sacred saint.

Through the operation of the conscious sea of energy around us, the entire universe manifests and unfolds according to our thoughts, dreams, ideas and intentions. In the Bible, our heavenly nature is affirmed in the following verse: “I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.” (Psalm 82:6). We are truly participants in the evolution of the universe, our world and the space we occupy in the vastness of the material dimension. Dr. Korotkov’s work makes us aware that our focused intentions play an important role in influencing physical reality and the direction of our world.

And in our research, we have a lot of experiments where we try to prove that our intention, our conscience has an absolutely direct influence on the world. It’s a new line of science that is trying to prove that our consciousness has an absolutely clear influence on generations. So how you raise your children, in which condition, not material, but consciousness condition, spiritual condition, will influence their development, and their lifespan. So consciousness may have an influence on energy. Consciousness may change the material world. And this is a very, very important message for humankind, for people to get this understanding that with our consciousness, we really govern our world.

Dr. Korotkov is also the author and co-author of several books, including “Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Science,” “Science, Aura and Consciousness: New Stage of Scientific Understanding” and “Light after Life.” “Light after Life” takes a close look at the afterlife.

I have a special book published, “Light after Life.” And it’s published in different languages. It was a big series of experiments in human energy, in life stages and what would be the transformation of energy after death.

It was inspired by a book of Raymond Moody who describes the process of transition from life to death. So we did a series of experiments in a clinical environment with a big team of doctors supervising this process. And it was found that after death, we have this transformation of energy. So it’s not the end of everything. It is transformation. We can tell about transition from life to death. We can tell about threshold, when people transform to another state. And now we know that there are a lot of cases when people can pass this threshold, but then come back.

So it was found that energy has the cycle of transformation after death. And it finally comes to some inanimate state. So we interpreted this as a process of separation between our informational self or between our soul and physical body. It takes several days, it depends on different conditions. And this is a process of separation. In all religious traditions, that is the process of how people separate from this world to another world.

Those who study reports of near death experiences also state that death is a transition – the end of one journey and the beginning of another. This matches what those who practice meditation say regarding the soul leaving the body on the physical plane and entering the astral plane or higher.

I’ve been discussing with people in Tibet, in India who practice this journey to another state. They tell that it’s possible to travel outside of the body. You can train your spirit, your soul to travel outside of the body. But please don’t try to go to another abode.

For any spiritual practice, of course you need a teacher. And this is an oriental tradition, to have a good teacher.

We try to establish a bridge between western science, our understanding of nature and oriental wisdom.

We’re grateful to you, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, for opening new avenues to scientific research connecting the physical and unseen worlds of energy, cosmic consciousness and intentions. Your research has shown that as we delve more deeply into the profound nature of science, we come face to face with our spiritual essence, our higher self.

For more information on Dr. Korotkov, please visit

Dr. Korotkov’s book "Light after Life: A Scientific Journey into the Spiritual World" is available at

Thoughtful viewers, please join us again next Monday on Science and Spirituality, when we’ll conclude our discussion with Dr. Korotkov. Thank you for your presence today on our program. Up next on Supreme Master Television is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News. May virtue and beauty always fill our world.
Welcome to this week’s Science and Spirituality where, in the conclusion of a three-part series, we continue to highlight the very intriguing work of biophysicist, inventor, and pioneer of the innovative scientific field called electrophotonics, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov who is based in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Dr. Korotkov is also the author and co-author of several books, including “Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Science,” “Science, Aura and Consciousness: New Stage of Scientific Understanding” and “Light after Life.”

The Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique invented by Dr. Korotkov allows for the real-time study of energy fields, or auras, emanating from humans and objects.

One of the instruments to measure energy are bioelectrography instruments. It was in 1777 when a German physicist found that in electrical fields, you can see light coming from some subjects. It is all related to electricity and photons. Our team was able to transform this to a new stage. So it is transformation from photography to digital computer processing, and digital analysis.

Dr. Korotkov’s research on the unseen world of energy fields and consciousness is yet another example of science bringing us a closer understanding of our true, divine nature and innate creative powers.

The connection with the universal power, the informational field, is a very complicated topic. We were able to measure a lot of people who have this access, this connection. It was done in special experiments. A very special connection comes in altered states of consciousness. At some moments, if you are deeply in a meditative state or if you can transform to this altered state of consciousness, you may have this connection. And it’s not only for saints, it’s the same for artists, for musicians, for poets, for scientists, for engineers, businessmen, and high-management people. It’s the main process of inspiration and creativity. Einstein wrote a lot about spiritual topics, about connections to God. Newton was a very spiritual person. Mendeleev got his vision of the Mendeleev (periodic) table (of the elements) in his dream. So it is very typical for a lot of scientists, creators, musicians, poets; it is the way of creativity.

Just as all human beings and animals emanate energy fields, so do plants and even inanimate objects like water. Since time immemorial, spiritual teachers have spoken of a universal energy that permeates all of creation.

The energy field, this is a quantum property of nature. So, any subject has an energy field. In quantum properties and in the quantum level, we are the same. We are just the same as stones, the same as minerals. That’s why we are measuring energy from water, and it is very interesting line of study. We are measuring different subjects in nature, and we are measuring the environment, with special sensors.

Truly, as science delves more deeply into the unknown through such experiments, we’re re-discovering that we’re not limited by the boundaries of the material world.

The main message that I got from our measurements in 15 years is that we have our consciousness power, our mind power, and with this power we can recreate our life. We can strongly influence our energy field and we can really change our life. Next, is our environment that we live in – water, air, food, and environmental station. And next is the level of intercommunication with other people. We have special sensors that allow us to take measurements of the energy of the environment.

And I’ve been traveling in different parts of the world, South America, Southeast Asia, Russia, Siberia, Africa, and everywhere we were looking for places of high energy. It was always the places of worship. We’ve been measuring in churches, in monasteries, in temples, in different countries, in different regions. And everywhere we found that those are places of very high energy.

A lot of these places have been used as healing places. People coming there have increased energy, and they can be cured of different problems, because this place uses the energy of the Earth. And ancient people were able to feel this energy, and they were selecting special places. With our instrument, we can measure this. Without any doubts, our Earth has its own energy field. Earth is communicating with the environment, with space, with the cosmos.

Dr. Korotkov has also investigated the power of people across the globe uniting in thought, prayer or meditation to achieve a common, constructive purpose.

If you have positive attention, if you have a positive attitude to life, to the environment, to other people, then you make life around yourself much more positive. You really can change the environment. As we are collective beings, as we have our collective information field, together we can do a lot.

Development of spirituality is a collective process. If we include more and more people in this collective, spiritual process, it would change the consciousness of humankind. People would come together, and meditate and pray for peace, and I believe that this is how spirituality may be developed. We did many experiments of this kind, so it's possible to measure collective meditation, and we did these experiments in different countries. We put the sensor in the room where people are meditating, and we immediately see the effect. When we have collective consciousness, we have more and more strong influence on the world. And of course it’s important to have a positive direction, then positive collective consciousness would tremendously influence our environment.

In the quest to modernize and improve our technological status, humanity unfortunately has become disconnected from the very source that has sustained our lives and nurtured us. As Earth citizens, we have regretfully neglected our duty to be good stewards of the environment.

It’s only the beginning of the process of the influence of humankind on the Earth. We did a lot of harm to the Earth. In the ocean, you can find big areas that are contaminated with garbage. We need to change the attitude of humankind to the environment, and then it will be possible for the Earth to restore and embrace humankind as a part of nature.

Organic vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, seeds and nuts are grown without the use of harmful chemicals, and are thus the most environmentally-friendly foods for enhancing the well-being of both humans and our planet. Cultivation of vegan organic crops reduces the damaging carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by absorbing this greenhouse gas in the soil.

Different types of food, it’s absolutely different energy; an organic apple and an apple grown chemically – absolutely different energy. An organic plant and a chemically grown plant – tremendous difference. So, now we live in a dangerous world. We have so many chemicals around ourselves that it poisons whole generations. Those chemicals, they create an epigenetic transformation of humankind. And this is dangerous, this is very bad.

Now epigenetically, a new generation of babies has a lot of allergies. Why? Because of the contamination in food. It comes from parents eating chemical foods. We need to understand that we have passed this chemical century. The 20th century was the century of chemicals, and people were thinking that by transforming chemicals, we can create new medications, new plastic things, we can create new food, that will be great for humankind. It was found not to be true. We need to come back to nature.

We need to use the power of nature. It’s very interesting; in St. Petersburg, around summertime, they used to use a lot of chemicals in farming, in agriculture. And our forest was practically empty. No animals, no bees, no butterflies. Now they don’t use chemicals anymore. They transform into natural farming. And there are a lot of animals, more and more every year. This year we had many butterflies in our fields and our forests. We have a lot of foxes, rabbits, different activity in the forest. It means that after we stop this chemical contamination of nature, nature can recreate itself. And it’s not only for animals, it’s for ourselves as well. So we need to get this as a message, as a lesson.

Supreme Master Ching Hai frequently speaks about how a global shift to an organic plant-based diet is the best way to preserve our planet as in this excerpt from a November 2009 interview by Radio Fórmula QR 92.3 FM that is based in Cancún, Mexico and serves the state of Quintana Roo.

We need to rethink our lifestyle. We have to rethink the whole planet species and survival, not just for our enjoyment day to day or momentarily. We have to think very unselfishly as you have said. Yes, just to be vegan is very simple: that saves all the lives on the planet – saves the animals, saves the environment and saves the world for our children’s future.

From the betterment of human relations to creating peace among nations and restoring the environment, science now acknowledges what ancient spiritual traditions have long understood – that humankind has the power to steer the course and fate of our planet. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, the implications of your studies on human consciousness and intentions are both meaningful and powerful. We appreciate the time taken from your busy schedule to speak to us about your admirable work that blends science and spirituality. May your fine research continue to inform the world on these important issues in the future.

For more information on Dr. Korotkov, please visit

Dr. Korotkov’s book "Light after Life: A Scientific Journey into the Spiritual World" is available at

Thoughtful viewers, thank you for joining us today for the conclusion of our discussion with Dr. Korotkov. Up next on Supreme Master Television is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News. May we always be in touch with the universal consciousness.

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