Mind Over Matter – The Secret Power Behind Shaolin Iron Head Kung Fu      
Welcome, intelligent viewers, to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television. Many who have seen Chinese martial arts films are surely impressed by the incredible kung fu feats performed by well-known action stars.

However, kung fu, literally translated as “achievement through great effort,” is more than just for entertainment. It is a real body-and-mind training exercise. One of the most enigmatic kung fu techniques is called “Iron Head Kung Fu.” It is one of the “72 Arts of the Shaolin Monastery, taught at the famous ancient Chán or Zen Buddhist temple in Songshan, Henan Province, China.

On this episode, Formosan (Taiwanese) coach Lin Sheng-Jie, a 34th generation Shaolin household disciple, who has mastered Iron Head Kung Fu, will participate in a series of experiments conducted by Dr. Chang Rong-Sen, a professor in both the Department of Optics and Photonics and the Department of Life Science at the National Central University in Formosa (Taiwan).

The objective is to detect the existence of ‘Qi,’ a life energy force, and to demonstrate the effects of moving qi around the body. Mr. Lin started his kung fu journey by practicing qigong, a traditional Chinese mind/body exercise.

I had been very weak since I was little. This made my parents very worried.

Through three consecutive years of practice, young Sheng-Jie experienced the extraordinary healing power of qigong and was surprised by the unfathomable potential of the human body.

One day, I suddenly realized that I didn’t seem to get sick as often as before. I rarely got sick. And my physical strength seemed to have become very good. When I was ten, in the third or fourth grade, I was already much stronger than my classmates.

How could I tell? At that time, I could run nonstop ten times around the 400-meter track which is about 4 kilometers. This is not something average children can do. This made me feel that practicing qigong was very beneficial to me.

During high school, Coach Lin learned kung fu. After college, he had the opportunity to go to the Shaolin Monastery for further kung fu training.

I thought I could choose to learn any of the 72 special Shaolin techniques, such as “the Eagle Claw,” “One Yang Finger,” “One Finger Zen,” “the Diamond Fist,” “the Iron Head,” and “the Iron Cloth,” etc. I thought I could choose to learn anything I liked. I was too naive.

After getting there, I found out that what you can practice depends on what your kung fu brother or your master thinks is suitable for you after a long observation of your talent. Under these circumstances, I was assigned by my master to practice the Iron Head Kung Fu.

What exactly is Iron Head Kung Fu?

The manifestation of the Iron Head Kung Fu lies in concentrating the power of the whole body through the Ren and Du meridians (energy pathways), to the top of your head, where the Baihui acupoint is. In our body structure, the Baihui acupoint is relatively fragile. But through training with our method, it can be strengthened when we demonstrate the Iron Head Kung Fu.

Coach Lin says mastering Iron Head Kung Fu requires a long period of physical training as well as the practice of concentration. According to scientific studies, there is a strong stream of qi circulating inside the bodies of qigong or kung fu practitioners. Some practitioners, like Coach Lin, are able to manipulate the inner qi to move to a certain part of the body to form a strong invisible shield of protection.

Let’s now witness the amazing power of Shaolin Iron Head Kung Fu. We next move to the laboratory. In the first experiment, Dr. Chang uses an EEG (electroencephalogram) machine to observe the changes in the alpha and beta brain waves of Coach Lin.

The first test was about brain waves. From this experiment we can see that when one is doing qigong, he enters a different state. When a person circulates qi, his EEG enters alpha waves, which is shown as the blue bar we just saw.

But when he stops circulating qi, his EEG returns to the normal beta waves, which are plotted as the white and yellow bars at the far end. Beta waves reveal our conscious level; alpha waves indicate our subconscious level. The intelligence and wisdom of humans are two separate things. One is conscious, the other is subconscious.

When a qigong or kung fu practitioner starts to concentrate his mind at his Baihui (literally general meeting point), the acupoint which sits on the crown of the head to drive the flow of qi inside his body, the alpha waves of his brain will increase, indicating that his subconscious power is activated.

Now we’re going to measure the brain waves using his Baihui acupoint and the acupoint in front of it where he focuses his energy. The electrical waves measured from these two acupoints change when he starts to visualize and circulate his qi. Now, let’s ask him to stop moving his qi. This is how it looks now.

Now please focus on the Baihui acupoint. You can see that this part jumps up. Now the part of his brain waves indicating visualization comes up, and here, here, and these components.

Now please stop visualization. Everything is now back to normal. During normal state, this becomes flat. So we’ve proven that he has strong visualization power to direct his qi to the Baihui acupoint. It’s very obvious. And this observation is highly repeatable.

When we return, Dr. Chang and Coach Lin will continue with further fascinating experiments regarding qi. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television. Formosan (Taiwanese) coach Lin Sheng-Jie, who has mastered Iron Head Kung Fu, is participating in a series of experiments by Dr. Chang Rong-Sen regarding the existence of qi, a life energy force, and the effects of moving it around the body.

To further observe how the circulation of qi affects the body of the practitioner, Dr. Chang, using an infrared thermal radiometer, measured the temperature difference on various points of Coach Lin’s head before and after he performed a headstand. This allows one to observe the rise in temperature in the Baihui area resulting from the flowing of qi which accelerates the circulation of blood.

In the second experiment, we used infrared to measure body temperature, which is a reflection of blood circulation. If the blood circulates fast, the temperature is high. Traditional Chinese medicine talks about qi and blood. Qi is linked to blood. So when he circulates qi, his blood circulation speeds up, and his local body temperature increases.

We observed a one degree temperature difference at Coach Lin’s Baihui acupoint before and after he circulated qi. This was very obvious. The temperature around this point in an average person is lower than that of Coach Lin, regardless whether he circulates qi.

Coach Lin says that practicing qigong and kung fu can help maintain a healthy circulation of qi and blood in the body.

In fact the greatest benefit of practicing the extraordinary technique is to help maintain your circulation of qi and blood at a very ideal level, and therefore strengthen your physique. So what’s demonstrated with the special technique is completely different from the benefit it brings. What’s demonstrated is only the tough, strong, and powerful aspect. But the real benefit is to deepen the foundation of our kung fu and improve our health.

Dr. Chang and others have created an instrument that can detect the micro-vibrations on the scalp. The device was used with Coach Lin after he performed a headstand.

In the third experiment, we measured his Ren and Du meridians with our machine. This machine was invented by our lab for the purpose of measuring meridians and acupoints. This machine projects a laser beam on the Ren and Du meridians. After we process the detected signal using a computer and display it on the screen, we can observe some vibrations of his qi. We observed some vibrations of qi around his Ren and Du meridians.

The white twinkling dots along the infrared line represent the vibrations on Coach Lin’s scalp. When Dr. Chang converts the white dots into a red wave, it shows the frequency and magnitude of the vibrations on his scalp.

And after it’s magnified, you can see that it’s actually not a straight line but a wave. This indicates that there are special spots along the meridian, around his Baihui acupoint. It is the acupoints that are jumping. When the movement of his qi is strong, these spots jump to a very high level. When he starts to direct the qi, these spots jump even higher. Yes. So you can see that they seem to be jumping right now.

Dr. Chang further explains the purpose of these experiments, and what the results mean.

A qigong practitioner has different degrees of subconscious development compared to an untrained individual. A person who has practiced qigong can control his sub-consciousness. He can quickly enter alpha wave status. Once a person enters alpha wave status, his parasympathetic system is active, and his sympathetic system is temporally suppressed.

His qi goes up, and his brain wave is an alpha wave. Under this condition, his endocrine system and the latent energy within his body are being cultivated and resting. And this potential can be brought out at anytime. So many inventors and Nobel laureates got their creative ideas suddenly when their waves were very active.

Dr. Chang and Coach Lin have some closing thoughts for us.

From the above experiments, we learned that people who have practiced qigong have a greater capability to enter and control their sub-consciousness. In other words, if we average people can train ourselves to develop and use our sub-consciousness through practicing qigong, Zen, or meditation, then our intellectual capability can greatly increase. We can also overcome many material difficulties.

Everyone can learn and achieve something from the exercise or kung fu that he or she practices. Perhaps you want health, perhaps you want longevity, or perhaps you want a peaceful mind. As long as you are serious, persistent, attentive, and open-minded, I believe it will be very helpful to everyone.

The key is sincerity. When you want to learn something from the bottom of your heart, you will be able to have the concentration you need. Learn with concentration, with your spirit, then you will achieve a result beyond your imagination. I absolutely believe that the power of the mind can conquer external material obstacles. I hope everyone can achieve such a goal, and make your dream come true.

We sincerely thank Coach Lin for demonstrating the Iron Head Kung Fu, and Dr. Chang for collaborating with Coach Lin for tests which provide important scientific evidence regarding qi and the power of the sub-conscious. May these experiments inspire each of us to bring out the Heaven-given potential within and make our planet a heavenly paradise.

For more information on Dr. Chang Rong-Sen: please visit Lin Sheng-Jie: please visit

Thank you, beautiful viewers, for your company on today’s episode of Science and Spirituality. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, right after Noteworthy News. May you have a healthy and radiant body, mind, and spirit.

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