Mysterious Phenomena: Crop Circles with Barbara Lamb      
Welcome, curious viewers, to Science and Spirituality. Today’s show, the first is a two-part series, features the fascinating subject of crop circles.

The debates and investigative studies on these amazing phenomena, which seem to appear out of the blue, have been of ongoing interest to researchers from various scientific disciplines as well as the general public for many years. From an aerial view, the circles are wonderfully arranged in impressive geometric forms, and some believe they are produced by otherworldly energies.

Crop circles are very large patterns that are suddenly discovered in fields of growing crops. So the main crops could be wheat, or oats or barley or oilseed canola or even corn. And the crop circles seem to be made mostly in the middle of the night. And this is in England, where most of the crop circles happen. The night is very short in the summer, because they are so far north.

Supreme Master Television recently interviewed renowned crop circle expert Barbara Lamb of California, USA to gain her perspectives on this intriguing topic. She is a much sought-after speaker on crop circles, extraterrestrials and UFOs.

In 2001 she co-authored “Crop Circles Revealed,” a book that comprehensively investigates these beautiful creations. Ms. Lamb is also the former Executive Vice President of the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies, and was a board member and presenter for the Center for Crop Circle Studies in Los Angeles, California, USA.

So, in just a few hours, maybe four or five hours of complete darkness, something very mysterious and wonderful happens. A large pattern, a beautiful, artistic pattern, is mysteriously laid down in the fields. The crop circles are made by what we call the “mysterious phenomenon,” by some unknown source that doesn’t seem to be human, and doesn’t seem to be anything of the Earth.

When this source lays down the crops, it’s so gentle, and so perfect, that the plants just bend over an inch or so from the ground, and they are not damaged in any way whatsoever. They can continue to grow, lying parallel to the ground, and ripen to full maturity.

Although some say that crop circles are simply clever, human-made formations, many extraordinary facts lead to the conclusion that the source of most of these mysterious designs is extra-terrestrial.

Freddy Silva, founder of Crop Circles Secrets, an organization that conducts research on the phenomena, says that true crop circles are not entirely round but tend toward a slightly elliptical shape. Human methods to produce crop circles require a fixed, central rope attached to planks to flatten the crops, and therefore cannot effectively achieve this shape.

In my opinion, the majority of crop circles are made by this genuine phenomenon, the mysterious unknown source. There are some people, usually young men, who will go out in the fields sometimes and they will make a pattern too. Now the big difference is, that with the man-made patterns, when the stalks are bent over and laid down at ground level, they break where they are bent over. They just crack and break.

And the plants die, because they are not getting the nourishment from the roots in the ground. They are lifeless and dull, listless, and there is no energy changes, no sign of anything mysterious having happened in those man-made crop circles. The genuine ones, in contrast, they have an increase in energy. People who are sensitive about energies can feel the energy increase in a genuine crop circle.

Crop circle researchers say with real crop circles, the energy of the site is altered to the extent that sometimes the functions of mobile phones and other electronic devices are affected.

We use the same instrumentation, the same testing devices in all of the crop circles. When we first know of a new crop circle, we test it with these different methods. We don’t know initially if something is man-made or genuine, but these instruments help us. Also we look at the details of the way that the crop circle is laid down. We look at changes in the crops.

In the genuine ones, for instance, there is so much heat applied to the stalks as they are being laid down, and very often curved or swirled or even made into sculptural shapes. There is a huge amount of energy in changes like that. And there are changes in the plants themselves. Because of this high heat that seems to be applied in the making of a crop circle, the growth nodes, which is like a knuckle in a finger, are expanded.

Sometimes they are stretched, elongated. Sometimes they are swollen out to the sides. And sometimes there is a hole that’s been blown in the growth node from the inside of the plant. We notice other changes too. There are actually up to 17 different kinds of bio-physical changes that can happen in these genuine crop circles. It actually seems to be very helpful for the plants, and for people who eat those plants as well. There have been a lot of tests and experiments done.

The seeds, for instance, that come from a genuine crop circle group of plants, even though they are sort of dwarfed and shrunken a bit and misshapen, when those seeds are planted, next to control plants from the same crop, but outside the crop circle, the genuine crop circle plants grow, 40 to 50 to 60% faster, stronger, hardier, and it’s claimed more nourishing. So the plants are actually improved in the crop circle.

Ms. Lamb says that some people have spiritual experiences when encountering real crop circles and others have physical conditions healed upon coming into contact with the energy emanating from them.

Or many times too, people will receive messages when in a genuine crop circle. It seems to be like a spiritual encounter happening. And many of us too, actually feel that we're being observed in particular crop circles. I and some of my friends feel quite reverent about whoever or whatever it was that made the crop circle. And we just automatically give thanks.

The circles’ intelligent, intricate designs have mystified many researchers from various scientific disciplines to the present day. Peer-reviewed scientific studies suggest that genuine crop circles are created by a source beyond our conventional knowledge.

There are definitely different theories about how these genuine crop circles were made. One of them is that there are these balls of light which have been seen by quite a number of people and photographed. Sometimes in the daytime they look like a white globe of light and they're slightly glowing. They're very beautiful. They have been seen, videotaped, photographed, flying across a crop field that is going to be receiving a crop circle.

Sometimes these balls of light have been seen at night time as well. They tend to look orange or a peachy color or red or blue or white on different occasions. And where they are seen, flying over and hovering over a crop field and even dipping down into the crop as if to test the soil perhaps, in those locations, a few hours later a new crop circle is made. So it certainly seems, putting two and two together, that the ball of light certainly had something to do with the making of a crop circle.

Also, in 1996, a young man camped up on a high hill overlooking a wheat field, just sleeping on the ground with his video camera right next to him. And just about dawn, he woke up, sensed something, grabbed his camera and videoed two balls of light coming over that wheat field down below. And you can see that a beautiful, perfect crop circle is being laid down.

So two balls of light came and then the next second, two more balls from the other direction came and this beautiful, six-pointed simple snowflake pattern was actually laid down. And it certainly appears as if it was laid down by these balls of light. So that's one source.

There are some wonderful biophysical scientists in Michigan (USA), Dr. W.C. Levengood and his team, after studying thousands and thousands of plants that have been sent to them from crop circles, and also control plants always from the same crop outside the crop circle determined that crop circles are made by a swirling vortex of energy. And this is a complex combination of plasma energies. They determined that this vortex of energy comes from the high atmosphere, swirls down into a wheat field or other crop, and that this vortex of energy is making the crop circle pattern.

Dr. Levengood, a now-retired researcher from the Institute of Science and Technology at the University of Michigan, USA, was a renowned plant biophysicist for over 50 years. He specialized in biochemical research on plants and seeds, including possible molecular changes in crop circle plants.

In 1994 he published an article entitled, “Anatomical Anomalies in Crop Formation Plants,” in the peer-reviewed journal Physiologia Plantarum.

In it he states, “The affected plants have components which suggest the involvement of rapid air movement, ionization, electric fields and transient high temperatures combined with an oxidizing atmosphere. One naturally occurring and organized force incorporating each of these features is an ion plasma vortex, one very high energy example being a lightning charge."

They also determined that this vortex of energy is really hot; it’s at least 800°F (427°C) in temperature. And normally if you had all that heat coming down into a field of crops, it would start a fire and burn the field. But in this case it doesn’t, it just lays down the plants in this beautiful curved, we call them “magical bends,” as the plants are bent over just an inch or so above ground level.

And instead of charring or burning the plants, it seems as if this vortex of energy is drawing up moisture from under the surface of the soil. And in England where the crop circles are, the water table is high under the surface of the soil.

Geological aquifers are under most of the areas where the crop circles happen. And an aquifer means that it’s very porous soil, limestone, sandstone, and chalk, and it will absorb the English rain beautifully, and it also will release the energy easily.

Treasured viewers, please join us again next week for part two of our program, where we’ll continue our engaging discussion on crop circles with the knowledgeable Barbara Lamb.

For more details on Barbara Lamb, please visit “Crop Circles Revealed” and other books by Ms. Lamb are available at

Thank you for your company on this week’s edition of Science and Spirituality. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News. May the beauty of the universe always be reflected in our hearts.
It also seems that the making of crop circles is really purposeful. You know these are not just random little old doodles that happen in the crops. They’re very specific designs. They’re beautifully designed.

Welcome enlightened viewers to Science and Spirituality, for the second and final part of our interview with Barbara Lamb on the intriguing topic of crop circles.

Ms. Lamb is a much sought-after speaker on crop circles, extraterrestrials and UFOs. In 2001 she co-authored “Crop Circles Revealed,” a book that comprehensively investigates these beautiful creations. Ms. Lamb is also the former Executive Vice President of the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies, and was a board member and presenter for the Center for Crop Circle Studies in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We have to admit that it’s still a mystery, as much as some of us have been investigating this for 20 years. I have, for 21 years been visiting the crop circles every summer. And still we don’t really know who or what is making the crop circles but I think there is a general consensus of opinion from those of us who really are involved with this, that the crop circles are made by some very intelligent, creative source.

But it really seems in many ways as if that source of crop circle making is coming from somewhere else. It’s not coming from the Earth as far as we can tell. It might be coming from spiritual beings who are not even physical and yet they can manage to affect our physical crops. It might be extraterrestrial beings who do have bodies. It might be extraterrestrial beings who are interdimensional. It might not even be specific to that extent in terms of individual beings. Maybe it’s just more of a collected intelligence. There are many of us that feel that the whole universe, and in fact many universes, parallel universes are full of intelligence. That’s difficult to describe, difficult to prove but that intelligence out there, is coming to us and making these beautiful crop circles.

Ms. Lamb says that crop circles perhaps appeared on Earth as early as the 15th century. The crop circle designs prior to the 1980s were less complex. It was only after this point that they started becoming more and more geometrically intricate and sophisticated.

Crop circles started to be noticed really in a minor way in the 1970s. There’d be a simple circle found in a farmer’s field. Just one simple circle, but beautifully laid down. That was happening in Australia in the 1970s. Some of those were thought of to be UFO landing sites.

Then in the 1980s in England, or early 1980s, these simple circles continued to happen and laid down in various ways too. Sometimes a radial lay, sometimes a spiraling lay. Then during the 1980s, the pattern started becoming a little bit more elaborate, like the pattern of five on a dice, a central circle and then four surrounding circles, evenly placed, evenly sized. Then sometimes later on, in the 1980s, there might be four or five of those five patterns put together in a larger formation.

We don’t know how far they go back, but we do know that current, present day farmers will report sometimes that their grandfather, for instance in the earlier 1900s, would occasionally come across a mysteriously laid down circle in his field. We do have some written reports of circles like that, which we eventually came to call crop circles, laid down in the 1800s. Even in the 1600s, there was a printed report of a mysterious circle laid down. We really don’t know how far back, but at least the 1600s, 1500s, 1400s.

In those days, these circles were very simple. And as the centuries and decades have continued, the patterns seem to become more elaborate, every year more complex, until 2010, the most recent season, some of them looked very three-dimensional. Though these patterns were done on a flat field, when photographed from the air these patterns look like they’re really standing up in a three-dimensional way. And yet they’re really just done on a flat field. The artistry in the making of these crop circles, just keeps increasing. It’s absolutely phenomenal.

Crop circle researchers have observed that genuine crop circles tend to appear near sacred sites. We asked Barbara Lamb for her perspective on why this occurs.

Many countries have sacred sites, and certainly England is a great example of that. Stonehenge and Avebury have two big circles full of megalithic huge stones from thousands of years ago, and Silbury Hill’s another one. Crop circles tend to happen near those, and also near what they call castles or hill forts.

There are theories about the land Gaia, Mother Earth, and that Mother Earth is very precious. So many people feel that the Earth is a conscious being, and that the sacred sites, particularly when they involve large amounts of stone that have been worked, carved erected and so forth, that those sacred sites are built on energy points. The human body as we know from the Asian cultures has a meridian energy line, or a meridian system running through it to all parts of the body. And a healthy person has that energy running freely and wonderfully.

The Earth is the same way, in the sense that there are these energy lines running through the Earth. The ancient people were so tuned into the land. They were very tuned in to where there were lines of energy in the Earth and where there weren’t. So where energy lines were, these people really noticed that, and felt that’s special. When energy lines would come together or cross each other, they considered that a very special area, an energy point. That’s where they tended to build their large stone structures.

So the crop circles are attracted to those stone structures, maybe not because of the stone itself, but because they are marking the areas of the Earth where the energy lines are more intense. They seem to be attracted to that.

Many believe that the crop circle patterns contain a wealth of encoded information and note that the aesthetically pleasing designs are rooted in mathematical theorems found in Euclidean and sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is nature’s powerful mathematical language that reflects the numerical harmonics and proportions found in music, organisms, and the layout of the galaxy. In some past civilizations such as ancient Egypt, sacred geometry was used to express the perfection of the universal order and incorporated into the designs of temples and pyramids.

They are geometrically astonishing. They’re perfect in their proportions. They seem to follow universal laws of proportion, like the Golden Mean proportion and fractal geometry which is highly sophisticated and seems to be very much part of nature, like the way that a little fern bud will unfold. It unfolds in a fractal pattern, a Golden Mean pattern. We see this in the nautilus shells and many different areas of nature.

But it seems like the understanding about that, these beautiful proportions and geometries and mathematics are understood by other intelligences too, not just human. So it seems like each pattern that’s laid down is for a purpose. And we don’t necessarily know how to interpret the purposes.

Some of them we do. Some of them are spiritual symbols like the Kabbalah Tree of Life symbol or the Menorah; or dolphins beautifully swimming in relation to each other; or beautiful star patterns or moon patterns or astronomical patterns. The solar system has been detected in a few crop circles.

Many symbols, some of which are very spiritual symbols; like the squaring of the circle which represents the square being Earth and the circle being Heaven or infinity. Even the infinity symbol has appeared as a crop circle. So some of them really have meaning for us. An astonishing one in 2008 was a “pi” symbol. Some of them get into really wonderful theories of mathematics and geometry.

We asked Barbara Lamb for her thoughts on what at the most fundamental level those responsible for crop circles are trying to communicate to humanity.

I think... the most basic message is: “Wake up! Wake up people! Wake up and realize that you are not alone! There is so much else going on in reality. There’s so much intelligence in so many different forms that maybe you haven’t really considered yet. A wakeup call, we could call it; trying to get our attention; get us to expand our whole notion of reality; get us to think that there is other intelligence elsewhere. To realize that we are part of a huge reality that most of us don't pay attention to as we’re scurrying about our daily lives.

But there's so much more. And I think that other intelligence elsewhere is helping to prepare us for eventually, maybe fairly soon, that we're not even alone in terms of other life forms in the universe. If we're awake and we’re aware about them and we're open and receptive to these other life forms, that's going to help us. It's going to help these other life intelligences if we're open and receptive, because it seems like we're moving more and more toward an intermingling in some way between us and other beings, other intelligences.

Some in the physical form, some interdimensional, some other dimensional. We could call them extraterrestrials. And so many people, millions of people worldwide are having encounters actually, face to face encounters with some of these other beings who come here. These beings seem to be very wise and they certainly have amazing technology to even get here in the first place.

And we see their crafts. There are millions of sightings of UFOs for instance, people keep taking pictures and having these sightings and taking videos of them. There’s no doubt, absolutely no doubt in my mind that we are being visited very frequently by beings from elsewhere. I think it’s a magnificent thing that humanity is being awakened to the fact that we’re not alone, and that other intelligence does exist, and other intelligence comes here in various ways, like the crop circles, like the extraterrestrial visits, and is intermingling in that sense with humanity.

I think that it is for preparing us to be part of a galactic or intergalactic civilization that does exist, it’s just that we haven’t known about it.

Barbara Lamb, thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to speak with us about the splendid crop circles that appear on Earth and we wish you continued success in your research in this area. May the marvelous crop circle phenomena lead humanity to be more conscientious in our treatment of Mother Earth and conscious about our place in the cosmos.

For more details on Barbara Lamb, please visit “Crop Circles Revealed” and other books by Ms. Lamb are available at

Friendly viewers, we were blessed to have your company today on Science and Spirituality. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom after Noteworthy News. Let the light of Heaven forever touch us all.

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