US measure would offer wholesome veg-based school meals. - 3 May 2010  
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Introduced by Colorado Congressperson Jared Polis, a new bill now under consideration would address growing concerns over childhood health and obesity by subsidizing school districts that provide plant-based foods and non-dairy beverages.

The proposed Healthy School Meals Act would start with a US$4 million pilot program overseen by the US Department of Agriculture to introduce vegan options to selected school districts over the course of two years.
With one out of three American children overweight and one out of five suffering from high cholesterol, the bill is receiving support both in the US House of Representatives and from many nutritional advocates.

Dr. Neal Barnard of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has recorded a public service announcement depicting the dangers of animal fat consumption and urging viewers to tell their Congresspersons to approve the Healthy School Meals Act.

Our sincere thanks, Your Excellency Congressperson Polis, Dr. Barnard and all advocates of healthy food choices for schoolchildren. Let us join in offering our precious youths the best foundation for a vibrant future through the nutritious, humane and vitality-boosting plant-based fare.
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