Washington DC, USA launches Meat-free Mondays - 3 Jul 2010  
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The City Council of the nation’s capital has passed a resolution encouraging residents to forgo animal products on Mondays. An excerpt of the Meat Free Mondays Recognition Resolution of 2010 reads: “… A weekly reminder to restart healthy habits encourages success, and we are more likely to maintain behaviors begun on Monday throughout the week.” The declaration goes on to cite the obesity epidemic, health conditions, and poor meat hygiene as further reasons for the need to highlight the benefits of a diet abundant in fruits and vegetables.

Additionally, the measure is intended to support compassion to animals, curbing climate change and the alleviation of world hunger. In response to the passing of this resolution, Miriam’s Kitchen, which serves home-cooked meals to the homeless and disadvantaged in Washington, DC, has stated that it will be offering plant-based meals on Fridays.

Generous vegan food donations have followed this announcement from such sources as Whole Foods Market, Nasoya, Turtle Island Foods, Lightlife Foods and others. Moreover, staff from the organizations Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine as well as Compassion Over Killing are volunteering their time to
cook and serve the first of many Meat-free Fridays at Miriam’s Kitchen.

Bravo, DC City Council members for your passage of this forward-thinking initiative in the capital of the USA as we also thank all the organizations and individuals for their support in furthering the veg lifestyle.
May your examples light the path for many others to realize the imperative advantage of the plant-based diet in sustaining one’s health and saving the planet.


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