Meat is legal murder - 14 Oct 2009  
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Through government and community awareness campaigns, it has become widely known that alcohol, drugs, and tobacco are lethal toxic substances, costing many lives. Increasingly however, studies show that animal products are also directly linked to fatal diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, including in children.

Meanwhile, livestock production is also the main cause of global warming. During the October 11 videoconference on climate change in Formosa (Taiwan), honored guest Supreme Master Ching Hai responded to a question about whether a tax on meat, similar to taxes imposed on tobacco products, would be a solution.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The best is to abolish meat all together. Because unlike tobacco, drugs and alcohol, animal consuming is eating up our planet, is killing us humans, and destroying our only home, that soon we might not even have a planet to live on, for our children to continue to live on.

We have no time to waste now as in the case of the other three poisonous substances, namely drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Even if we put labels or warning on meat package it’s not sufficient. Now we can see meat is everywhere, legally killing us and our children, legally killing our planet, killing the environment in massive scales.

We must stop animal production now and at all costs if we want to keep this planet called home. The government gives subsidies to the animal industry anyway. So these subsidies can also be used instead to turn meat and related businesses into wholesome vegan businesses: Good for the people. Good for the business. Good for the planet. Doing this we only gain hugely.

Not just immediately, but for the long, long run, and we can keep this planet forever and make it into a paradise by just throwing that meat away and stop the animal industry. Meat is killing millions,billions of people, killing our planet, our only home. We have to do something about this crime. It’s really simple to be veg, and it is the only way to a future for ourselves and all beings in this world.

Our appreciation, caring conference participants, and gratefulness to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her words that ring with truth, practicality, and love for all beings. May we lose not a moment in our global transition to the organic vegan diet, which indeed will save our loved ones among all lives on Earth.Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

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