Singapore Minister of Health’s road to recovery includes a vegan diet - 25 Jun 2010  
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His Excellency Khaw Boon Wan recently returned to work after receiving an operation for heart bypass surgery in May. Writing online, the health minister stated that he now engages in light exercise as well as visiting the National Heart Center several times a week.

He also wrote about his new diet, saying, “I have adopted a fully plant-based diet plan, avoiding all meat,
not even fish or dairy products.

Today’s lunch was … salad…, vegetable sandwich on wholegrain bread and fruits.”Our respectful accolades,
Your Excellency Minister Khaw Boon Wan, for your decision to adopt the healthy, kind, and environmentally-friendly vegan diet.

Wishing you flourishing vitality as your exemplary lifestyle surely inspires many more toward the manifold benefits of plant-based fare.

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