Association News from Malaysia - 10 Nov 2010  
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In The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association News from Malaysia…

Our Association members were invited to the 5th Malaysian Organic and Natural Products Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur. Organized by the non-profit Center for Environment, Technology and Development, Malaysia, the event advocated sustainable lifestyles and farming methods to protect the eco-sphere.

In English and Chinese
Mr. Charles Tan (m): The exhibition is an opportunity for us to reach out to broader segments of the public, so that they are aware about the benefits of organic farming so that we actually can have a more sustainable future. About 150 participants from around the country attended. The Most Honorable Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Chua Tee Yong officially opened the gathering, affirming the increase of organic farming in Malaysia. The new certification process was also discussed. There were demonstrations on a variety of ways to compost as well as talks on the environment, organic practices, and health.

Mr. F.E. Chong (m): From a scientific point of view, a vegetable diet or a diet from the plant kingdom not only provides you with more energy, but it fully agrees with our biological heritage. By being a vegetarian, we are not only helping ourselves but also helping our Mother Earth. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save The Planet!

VOICE: Our Association members offered complementary organic plant-based meals to many exhibitors. In addition, SOS flyers and other information were distributed and DVDs shown on the vegan solution to halt climate change.

(In Chinese)
Ms. Elaine They Soon Neng (f): We hope that everyone will adopt the vegan diet, which will certainly benefit the Earth a great deal.

VOICE: Our many thanks, Center for Environment, Technology and Development, Malaysia, for planning this gathering. Also, our respectful appreciation, The Most Honorable Chua Tee Yong, for your support of organic practices in Malaysia. May eco-friendly ways of living, including the organic vegan diet, be the choice of all people.
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