World’s top food services provider to promote Meatless Mondays - 27 Jan 2011  
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World’s top food services provider to promote Meatless Mondays. Leading food services company, French multinational Sodexo, has announced its adoption of the Meatless Monday campaign and its launch across the United States this month. Sodexo, which serves 10 million customers daily around the globe, will be initially promoting plant-based fare to its more than 900 hospital accounts, with these options becoming available soon after to 2,000 corporate clients and 175 government sites. This coming fall, the nearly 1,200 colleges, universities, and other school campuses served by Sodexo will also implement Meatless Mondays. The Meatless Mondays website lauds Sodexo’s new development, stating, “Not only will their Meatless Monday meals reach hundreds of thousands of people nationwide, their use of the campaign to fulfill health and environmental commitments shows other companies large and small that Meatless Monday is a simple way to make a big impact.” Nitu Gupta, vice president of brand management for Sodexo health care, remarked, “Meatless Monday is a simple thing we can all do in the face of multiple challenges. Little changes in our behavior can have a profound effect.”

A big bravo, Sodexo, for this bold and smart initiative to benefit the health of world citizens, animals, and the planet. May this development be the start of many to herald a transition to a world that is humanely and wholesomely Meatless Forever.
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