Belgian documentary describes the catastrophic implications of increased meat consumption on the planet - 31 May 2011  
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a Belgian documentary describes the catastrophic implications of increased meat consumption on the planet.
“LoveMEATender,” directed by Mr. Manu Coeman, raises awareness about the economic, ethical, and ecological concerns caused by the livestock industry.

The film is based on the book, “Animal, Man, Life” by Dr. Yvan Beck, a vegan veterinarian and President of the environmental group, Planet Life (NFT: Planète-Vie) Association. In English

Manu Coeman (m):We decided to travel around the world and analyze in order to inform people about how meat is produced, and what the consequences are on the planet, on our health, on the health of the animals and economics, socially.

Dr. Yvan Beck (m): My name is Yvan Beck. I’m veggie. Please save the planet. A screening of the movie was held for over 150 people at the European Union in Brussels followed by a discussion which included European Parliament Vice President, Her Excellency Isabelle Durant.

Her Excellency Isabelle Durant (f):Our work now is to really convince, to join with those in the Parliament who would like to direct the agriculture towards something which is more sustainable.

Our heartfelt gratitude, Mr. Manu Coeman and Dr. Yvan Beck, for your efforts to inform about the many harms caused by meat eating. Also, our respectful thankfulness, Your Excellency Isabelle Durant, for your valuable insights. May governments and citizens alike opt for compassionate vegan living to protect our treasured Earth.

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