More people stricken by US E. coli meat contamination - 12 Nov 2009  
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 At least 25 people are now known to be affected across a range of 17 total US states. The contaminated meat source has also been confirmed to be the beef sold by a processor who has already recalled 567,000 pounds of meat. The dangerous O157 version of the E. coli bacterium originates in fecal material from the slaughtered animals. Of the 25 people sickened, two have lost their lives, three more are facing kidney failure and 16 have required hospitalization.

Our sympathies go out to those who have lost family members from the devastation of E. coli. We pray for the soon and complete recovery of those who have been stricken and that such diseases soon become a thing of the past as we awaken to the compassionate, life-sparing plant-based diet.

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