Bestselling US author reports on the adverse effects of meat - 30 Oct 2009  
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On Wednesday, October 28, major US media network CNN published an article by critically acclaimed author Jonathan Safran Foer titled “Eating Animals Is Making Us Sick.” Based on his newly published book, “Eating Animals,” Mr. Foer shared with readers what he learned as he was writing about meat-related matters such as the mass raising of animals for food and their adverse impacts environmentally, ecologically, and in terms of human costs.

In one example, he discussed how factory farms lead to antimicrobial-resistant pathogens and zoonotic diseases like bird and swine flu. He concluded, “Our choice is simple: cheap chicken or our health.” Oscar-nominated Hollywood actress Natalie Portman stated in a recent interview that she switched from being vegetarian to vegan after reading his new book.

Mr. Foer was also a panel guest on the US television show “Larry King Live” in a discussion about beef’s safety in light of recent deaths and a young woman’s paralysis from consuming a hamburger contaminated with E. coli. His book is in the top ten of Amazon’s bestsellers, with Wednesday’s online CNN article being the site’s most emailed that day. 

Thank you Mr. Foer for this significant contribution that further empowers readers to make wise andaware food choices. May many more be motivated to choose the lifesaving plant-based diet.


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