Hospital bills following one-time consumption of E. coli-infected hamburger surpass US$2 million. – 8 Dec 2009  
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Hospital bills following one-time consumption of E. coli-infected hamburger surpass US$2 million.



Several years ago, Stephanie Smith, a 22-year old dance instructor from Minnesota, USA became completely paralyzed after eating a hamburger tainted with deadly E. coli bacteria. Ms. Smiths medical bills, ranging from costs during her coma to two years of rehabilitation treatments, have now passed US$2 million. These costs are expected to reach tens of millions of dollars from a lifetime of constant care and medical attention, including potential multiple kidney donations.


E. coli is found in livestock animals intestines and is easily transferred from the animals waste into water supplies or vegetable crops, or onto meat at the time of butchering.


The hamburger that Stephanie Smith consumed was part of a massive 844,812 pound beef recall, with 940 people sickened by the meats contaminating E. coli. When attempting to trace the bacterias origin, it was found that the ground beef had come from three different slaughterhouses in the US as well as one in Uruguay, with no regulations in place to help identify the real source.


Livestock production generates another lethal animal-borne pathogen, swine flu, which continues to cause deaths and severe illnesses worldwide. Swine flu cases have been spreading far too quickly to track, and even the officially reported fatalities, now at 11,717, are considered far below the actual global death toll. Some of the latest include Spain, with now 169 deaths and Israel, where swine flu fatalities rose to 67; India with 627 casualties and Japan where at least 100 have lost their lives.


We send our sincere prayers for all swine flu victims and bereaved families, as well as those suffering like Ms. Smith. May we all be awakened to recognize that the many horrendous diseases can be stopped when we make the healthy, loving switch to an organic vegan diet.





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