High meat diets in Asia causing rise in colon cancer. - 10 Mar 2011  
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A study led by cancer specialist Professor Jonathan Sham of the University of Hong Kong has found that colorectal cancer rates are increasing across Asia as more people consume diets high in red meat and fats, which are known to increase the risk of cancer.

In Hong Kong, colorectal cancer has become the second most common cancer, and second biggest killer, while in both Singapore and Formosa (Taiwan), it has become the top-killing cancer disease.
In major cities of Thailand and China, where urban diets are also more meat-based, there has been a corresponding rise noted in colon cancer as well.

Dr. Yuen Siu-tsan, a professor from the Department of Pathology at the University of Hong Kong, commented on a primary cause being based in eating patterns as he stated, “Wealthier countries have a high incidence (of colorectal cancer) … because of the type of food they eat.
The dietary habits of people in Hong Kong have changed… (to) eating more meat and animal protein and less fruit, vegetables and fiber.”

Our thanks Professor Sham and University of Hong Kong colleagues, for informing the public of this alarming correlation. Wishing the people of Hong Kong and worldwide abundant health, happiness and longevity through a return to the wholesome goodness of plant-based fare.


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