Pig body parts found as hidden ingredient in many products. - 6 Apr 2010  
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Evaluating recent research from the Netherlands, Professor Simon Chapman University of Sydney in Australia noted uses of a pig's corpse that included porcine hemoglobin in cigarette filters.
According to the Dutch research by Christien Meindertsma, this blood product was said to stop certain chemical residues from entering the lungs of the smoker. Moreover, Ms. Meindertsma found that pig body parts were being used in up to 185 food, cosmetic and household products, often appearing as a gelatin ingredient.

Saying that this finding may raise concerns for many people, Professor Chapman said, “I think that there would be some particularly devout groups who would find the idea (of)… pig products … to be very offensive." 

He went on to say, "The Jewish community certainly takes these matters extremely seriously and the Islamic community certainly does as well, as would many vegetarians."

Professor Chapman and Ms. Meindertsma, we are grateful for your revealing of the facts about hidden animal sources of everyday product ingredients.

Let us join in calling for such practices to cease, so that disclosures as these are no longer needed as we live in peace with all co-inhabitants on Earth.


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