Indian actress attributes youthful beauty to vegetarian diet. - 22 Jun 2010  
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Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor, who has been voted “India’s Most Beautiful Woman” by US-based People magazine, says that her outer appearance is a reflection of her commitment to such practices as yoga and healthful vegetarian fare.  She stated, “I believe you are what you eat.”

Ms. Kapoor, who switched to being vegetarian five years ago, says that this change has led to a natural difference in her beauty and the secret to her flawless skin.

We join in accolades, Kareena Kapoor, for your deserved recognition and glowing example of how a compassionate diet is beneficial both inside and out. May your shining star inspire more and more people to experience the manifold advantages of the plant-based lifestyle for ourselves, the animals
and the environment.

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