‘Meatless:The Movie’-- A 90 Day Vegetarian-Vegan Experiment - 03 Oct 2010  
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In veg news, a life-changing experiment in following the plant-based diet is documented. Web designer and filmmaker Mr. Shane Close of Miami, Florida, USA is adopting a meatless diet for 90 days, the last 60 of which are vegan. He originally embarked on the project to gain greater understanding of the veg lifestyle. The transition has made him aware that the plant-based diet is not only an animal rights issue, but an informed and wise environmental and health choice. On his blog, MeatlesstheMovie.com., Shane displays a description and picture of every day’s animal-free dinner meal. He will later release a film about his wonderful journey into plant-based eating. Bravo, Shane, on your laudable adventure. May each individual join in the health promoting, low-emissions vegan lifestyle for the benefit of ourselves, the beautiful animals, and precious planet.
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