42nd US President heads for being veg - 21 Sep 2010  
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In a recent interview prior to the annual meeting of his philanthropic endeavor, the Clinton Global Initiative, former President Bill Clinton discussed how the vegetarian diet helped him to lose 20 pounds for his daughter Chelsea’s August wedding, even when he did not always have time for exercise.

When the interviewer remarked that he continues to appear very fit, the former president shared that he’s been keeping up with the strict diet, which is essentially vegan, and that maintaining his health for future grandchildren is a big motivator.

Mr. Clinton cited statistics that since 1986, among the hundreds of people who have tried a plant-based diet, 82% have seen their bodies heal themselves, including the dissolving of arterial blockage as well as calcium deposits around the heart.

He went on to say that tests to be conducted in a few months would confirm whether the diet is working to heal his body as well. Your Excellency, we laud your life-sustaining food choices! Blessed be such changes as yours in motivating many others toward the humane and health-restoring plant-based lifestyle.

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