Rising popularity of vegetarian mooncakes - 21 Sep 2010  
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This year in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) has seen a significant increase in requests for the vegetarian version of mooncakes, a traditional food item enjoyed during the Mid-Autumn or Moon Festival, which signifies the harvest time and this year is celebrated on Wednesday, September 22. Preference for the vegetarian mooncakes
has been expressed for several reasons: First, they are found to be especially delicious, with a wide array of unique flavors available such as green tea, mung bean, vegetarian shrimp, vegetarian crab, and many others.

Second, the price is very affordable. And third, they make an ideal gift since the vegetarian cakes are both healthy and suitable to everyone’s taste.

Thus, many companies in Âu Lạc this year produced a full 50% of their mooncakes as vegetarian, to meet the growing requests from the public. Displayed in many shop windows also is a banner to let people know, saying, “Special: Vegetarian moon cakes.”

Our accolades, Âu Lạc and the compassionate Aulacese (Vietnamese)
people for your choice of the vibrant veg mooncake to celebrate the harvest time! Wishing everyone a memorable Moon Festival enjoyed with peaceful plant-based fare.

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